
  1. J

    Upgrading from UMC202HD, worth it?

    I've been using my Behringer UMC202HD for 2 years now. Lately I have been wondering about upgrading it for something in the 200-400€ range. My main concern is a good quality DI input and I'm wondering if there is a significant increase in recording quality between various DI or is it just the...
  2. B

    Fiio E10K vs Behringer UMC202HD for DT990 PRO 250 Ohms

    Hey! So I been watching videos and reading a lot on the web. But couldn't find a direct comparison between those two Fiio E10K and Behringer U-Phoria UMC202HD. I own both of those devices and can't decide which one to use for music listening and gaming. I don't have a trained ear, but beside...
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