
  1. T

    Behringer MIC300 and similar "cheap" tube mic preamps

    Hi everyone, I was wondering what is your opinion on cheap tube mic preamps such as the MIC 300 from Behringer or Alto ? Before anyone raises a hue and cries about how low quality Behringer stuff is, I want to underline that I'm completely aware that in no ways would a 60$ piece of gear be...
  2. M

    Room correction options that wont ruin the sound of tube amp?

    I am buying a 2 channel stereo system that consists of an integrated tube amplifier, and a streamer/dac that has no room correction, and speakers, where all these sound great together. My brother also has the exact same system and it sounds great both at the stereo shop and his house. The...
  3. M

    Fetron aka the tube replacement, solid state designs

    Hello there, This is my first post and i am currently into Chi-fi and trying to see how good and useable it is. As well as upgrading some parts. What do you people know about replacing the vacuum tube with solid state, discrete options? Anyone experience or thought's about this?
  4. B

    A tube buffer that gives tube sound.

    Hi people! I'm getting slowly my way in audioland. Had some upgrades an finally got that sound I like (for now). Setup is a Tv, optical, Nuprime dac-9, Nuprime AMG STA, RU connected copper cables, B&W 683 S2, old Rel quake sub and a big diy acoustic panel on the sealing. I would like to...
  5. H

    Another build of the KT88 amplifier

    After building my first tube amp ( ; ) a friend of mine listened to it and said he wanted it...
  6. Corn Fed HIFI

    Seeking help with a Threaded Banana Chassis Mount search

    Hi, looking for a replacement cage to chassis fastener for my Shuguang I-12 tube amp. I have searched Pomona, Cinch, Keystone and Mueller offerings in hopes of finding an electrical connection banana plug that would suffice. The banana shaped fasteners actually wobble +/- 2 degrees and have the...
  7. dougi

    Class D vs tube at the listening position

    After recently purchasing a New (Very Old) Stock Audio Research amp from a store and noting how I subjectively liked it in comparison with my existing amp (March Audio P502 Hypex), I thought I would take some comparative measurements at the listening position to look for any differences...
  8. B

    AVR alongside with Tube Amplifier?

    Hi! I wanted to know if it's possible to have 2 amplifiers with only 1 pair of speakers? I would like to have a tube amplifier to listen to music alongside with my AVR (Denon x6700). My current setup is: Apple TV/Shield (hdmi out) -> Denon (rca out) -> Power amp -> Speakers How could I...
  9. G

    Best measuring tube amp

    Purely out of curiosity - what is the best measuring pure tube amplifier you know of? Off the top of my head I think the Quicksilver Horn Mono's are a serious contender. See here: Interpret...
  10. Mossshine

    Every new tube is noisy, am I unlucky or am I missing something?

    Hello, I have Darkvoice 336 SE tube amp connected to DT 1990 PRO and that I use all the time and I wanted to try some different tubes than my old trusty Sylvania 6SN7 GTB E6B ones so I bought one KenRad 6SN7GT (pricey little thing) and two PSVANE UK-6SN7 (ordered one but arrived as pair) KenRad...
  11. jensgk

    Digital effects for tube and/or analog sound?

    What are the best (preferably standalone) digital effect units for experimenting and listening with different "sounds" (tube or "analog" sound) on your otherwise transparent hi-fi system (where the audio comes from digital sources) ? Would you use some stereo guitar effect/multi-effect units or...
  12. S

    Xduoo MT-604: DAC / Pre-Amp

    Hi, Can anyone recommend a DAC / Pre-Amp with balanced out that would pair well with the MT-604 ? I am currently using it with the IFI Zen DAC V2 and that works fine (except for the front 4.4mm balanced input on the 604: not very convenient) but this one is meant to return in another room and...
  13. V

    Trying to troubleshoot listening fatigue

    Venerated Audiophiles - I come seeking wisdom. Always loved music - but since WFH - have gotten back into it and have been on a fun audio journey to setup the perfect WFH desktop setup. Right now - trying to solve for smoothness & listening fatigue I tried a few speakers - Klipsch (headache)...
  14. B

    DAC with display, remote, BT, opt/coax input and warmest sound

    It must have: - Display - Remote control - BT 5.0 receiver or higher, with aptX HD and LDAC support - Optical/coaxial input (for a Compact Disc player), besides USB input for full performance - Warmest sound possible (simulating tube amp sound if possible) - Is Full MQA decoding desirable? (I...
  15. Matias

    PS Audio Stellar M1200: tube + class D amplifier

    Anyone willing to buy a pair and send to Amir for testing? Mono amps based on ICEpower 1200AS and 12AU7 tube buffer, 1.200W in 4 ohms, $6k pair.
  16. Telegraph Audio

    Channel strip Telegraph Audio ТА-37 (Limited Edition)

    TELEGRAPH AUDIO™ is a new brand of analogue audio equipment, based in Ukraine. In the age of digital technologies, the market offers rather small amount of high-quality vacuum tube equipment. But the connoisseurs of a warm tube sound will fully appreciate our devices – because we do care about...
  17. J

    Sybasonic/inLine USB Tube DSD DAC Preamplifier

    Hello community, I found the following USB DAC/ Headphone Amp and would love to hear an expert opinion or even better some measurements about it. (Unfortunately, I couldn't find much information about it.) In Germany this DAC is distributed by inLine...
  18. pozz

    Master Index of Measurement Comparison Charts [Defunct]

    [Click here for the current index. This thread is now defunct.]
  19. DonH56

    ZOTL40 Mk II Tube Amp Review -- New Approach

    This is interesting for the idea of using a HF carrier to reduce the transformer size. Not really new, actually very old, but I have not seen it applied to an audio tube amp in many years. Otherwise it seems a fairly average tube amplifier. And of course the reviewer takes a healthy swipe at...
  20. amirm

    How Tubes Work

    My favorite Canadian Tech, Mr. Carlson, does a great view on basics of tubes and different types:
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