topping a90

  1. S

    Topping LA90

    Hi all, Could some suggest a few speakers suitable for use with a Topping LA90? TIA Shaun
  2. desti

    Dedicated DAC & Preamp for Adam T7V's? Or stick to Motu M4?

    Hello, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I'm looking for a DAC and Preamp (presumably a headphone amp with a preamp) that would pair well with Adam T7Vs & T10S Sub at a desktop setup. Currently, I have a Motu M4 which acts as a DAC, Preamp, and Headphone AMP, but it's mainly for...
  3. P

    Topping A90 D90 Stack. Static when gain/volume set to high.

    Hello! I know this issue has been posted quite a few times, but I'm finding difficult to parse through all the posts. I have a Topping A90 amp connected to my PC by USB. When I turn the volume up and/or set the gain to "high", I get an irritating static sound. This sound also seems to be...
  4. T

    Topping A90 cannot power vintage bookshelf speakers: Infinity RS-2

    Kindly help me understand why my setup cannot power vintage bookshelf speakers. I couldn’t find an answer in previous similar thread - Mac to D10 to Topping A90 to XLR output to...
  5. H

    Schiit Modius + Magnius vs Topping D90Se + A90

    Hello all. I currently have a Topping D90Se + A90 feeding into my Focal Clear Mg. I bought them all together, going for an endgame setup. However, the more I have learned and read on this forum, it seems like, although the Topping are on top of the measuring heap, I could probably get the exact...
  6. 1

    Topping dx7s+topping a90 vs topping dx5

    Hi all. I already have topping dx7s and currently pairing it with hifiman sundara and audio technica r70x. The current issue that i have is the headphone amp output impendance in dx7s is really high (10ohm), so i can't use my iem, avoiding to destroy it. I want to upgrade to the new topping dx5...
  7. D

    Does the Topping D90LE support digital vole adjustment from a Mac while in pure Mac mode?

    I have the D90LE in pure DAC mode with the A90 Discreet on XLR with the preamp off. I use my Mac laptop to play music and use a usb c adapter and hook up to the Mac with usb. For some weird reason, sometimes when I connect to the Mac I am able to control the volume sent to the dad from the...
  8. D

    Finally arrived - Gustard X16 DAC and Topping A90 headphone amp

    The long wait is finally over. New Gustard X16 DAC and Topping A90 headphone amp arrived today from ShenzhenAudio in China. Glad to know that the balanced headphone cable from Audiophile Ninja works (had no easy way of testing it before now). So far so good. Not much to say that hasn't...
  9. nimar

    FS: Topping D90 MQA, D70s and 2x A90.

    Edit. Latest info moved to CanuckAudioMart I went on a bit of a mad covid related shopping therapy spree and ended up with two stacks I don't really need, have boxes / all original material and these are all less than two months old...
  10. MRphotography

    For Sale Topping A90 Headphone Amplifier and Topping D90 DAC stack

    -$1000 for both or $600 for D90 (Non MQA Version) and $400 for A90 both in great condition minor normal use marks on top of the D90 from the stack. -USD -USA 48 States insured signature required to verified PayPal user and shipping address. Interconnect cables or other amps in the photo not...
  11. D

    Okto Research dac8 stereo and Topping A90 for sale

    Hi, Recent circumstances have forced me to sell my audio equipment. Okto dac8 stereo is black, in brand new condition, with original packaging. It is serial #: 26. It is as good as it gets measurement wise and sounds wonderful. I am selling it for €1300 + shipping. It does not come with a power...
  12. Tanuki

    Using Topping A90 Pre-out to powered studio monitors?

    I am about to pull the trigger on the Topping A90 (unless there are other alternatives that are as good for less?) I notice there is a pre-amp out in the back with XLR. I currently own and mainly use the Adam T7V Powered studio monitors, what came into mind during this is I read somewhere...
  13. P

    Questions regarding topping spec-sheet (voltage and gain)

    Hey guys, I recently bought some used Beyerdynamic T1.2 (600 ohm, 102 db/mW) and I am very interested in the Topping L30 (btw is it true, that it is actually the single ended version of the A90?). When I read the spec-sheet, there was one thing I wondered about: Output Level. It is 26 Volt...
  14. 312elements

    A journey in setting up a personal listening station. The Good The Bad and The Ugly

    It was about 10 years ago that I bought a pair of Grado 225's and I thought it was a real big deal. The local shops here in Chicago push Grado hard, they looked cool, and they fit the budget. I think at the time I purchased a little Fiio amp to go with it, and I was as happy as could be...
  15. zhaqenl

    WTB - Black Topping A90

    I’m looking for a black Topping A90, pm me your offers, thanks! (I’ll be providing a US shipping address)
  16. EchoChamber

    SOLD[US]: Topping A90 Balanced Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp

    In excellent condition, bought new from Apos Audio in May 2020. SINAD of 121 dB per Audio Science Review measurements. Includes a short stereo pair of Canare L-2T2S with Neutrik XLR connectors balanced cables. Asking $400 + $30 shipping - local pickup available in Northern NJ (Montclair...
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