
  1. WaynesterUK

    New headphones needed, advice or recommendations? Pro Musician

    Hi everyone I’m a professional musician, keyboard player and vocalist in various bands in the UK I’m after a new pair of headphones, currently have the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 ohms model, I’ve always been underwhelmed by their sound (dunno why) a bit of distortion sometimes, but extremely...
  2. M

    Neumann KM184 + SSL2 = weak signal which requires a lot of gain

    I have a Neumann KM184 SDC mic connected to a SSL2 audio interface through a 10 meter Mogami xlr-cable and notice that it requires me to set the gain to about 7-8 out of 10 to land at levels of about -24 to -18 db. Being aware that mic signals are weak but given that the preamp gain of SSL2 is...
  3. D

    Major confusion over Motu M2 - a lot of conflicting reviews

    Hi everyone, I am in a search of a new interface in circa 200 euros price range. Just to highlight at the beginning, I almost don't record at all (if I record rarely, its mostly vocals), I only use it for music production, mixing, and mastering, so the most important things to me are output...
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