sony mdr-7506

  1. WaynesterUK

    New headphones needed, advice or recommendations? Pro Musician

    Hi everyone I’m a professional musician, keyboard player and vocalist in various bands in the UK I’m after a new pair of headphones, currently have the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 ohms model, I’ve always been underwhelmed by their sound (dunno why) a bit of distortion sometimes, but extremely...
  2. B

    Exceptional values in over-the-ear headphones?

    Hi, I know there are great deals to be had in audio from the Chi-Fi (I hope that isn't an offensive term, if so, apologies) front in terms of headphone amps and DACs as well as IEMs. Are there any well performing and well priced over-the-ear headphones that I should know about? I'm looking for...
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