
  1. henologist

    Non-Raspberry Pi SBCs for Streaming + CamillaDSP

    I'm about to get a MOTU Ultralite mk5 to pair with an SBC for CamillaDSP/streaming, but unfortunately Raspberry Pi 4s are still hard to find at decent prices. There are plenty of alternative SBCs and small form-factor PCs out there, but it's hard to narrow it down to one that's not too weak nor...
  2. J

    Using the lattepanda as a streamer

    Hey guys I have gotten my hands on a pair of these SBCs and I was wondering if I can load Moode or PiCorePlayer on these. I know they are distros built specifically for the pi and was wondering if I could achieve the same streaming capabilities from one. If not, what can I do (using Ubuntu...
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