room equalization

  1. A

    What is the target frequency response/curve of a well treated room?

    Hi. I have seen many posts and articles where they show how to analyze and get flat response curves for speakers. However, none of them show how the frequency response of a well treated room looks like. Then I found this video: And from what I understand is that, flat frequency response studio...
  2. ahofer

    What is Alan Shaw on about? (is "coloration" unmeasurable?) this thread It starts with this: So I suggest in-room measurements: But he demurs: I’ve asked what is “coloration” that isn’t visible as frequency response or distortion (and how he is so sure...
  3. Dennis_FL

    Room Shaper Audio plugin for Roon, JRiver, etc and custom room equalization

    This is a small company which does the room correction for you via a Roon plugin. Not only Roon.. HQplayer, JRiver, Foobar (together with the VST convolver plugin) and any other player with VST plug-in format compatibility or using Brutefir convolution engine (like Volumio).
  4. Le Concombre

    A collection of tracks spectrum

    Now that I have achieved a quiver of 3 sets of DRC filters that satisfies me both emotionally and intellectually#, I listen to music but plugged mu Umik in REW, checking for SPL and eventual anomalies. I think interesting to share the RTA measurements obtained with "Average forever" settings...
  5. mitchco

    Introducing Hang Loose Convolver from Accurate Sound

    Hello fellow ASR enthusiasts, Just over a year ago @dallasjustice was kind enough to announce my new DSP calibration service here on ASR. Since then, 125 individuals have used my service to calibrate their sound systems. Coming back to my audio roots after decades in the software industry was...
  6. Le Concombre

    Target Curves, should What You See be What You Get?

    Puzzled by the Harman Curve presented here : and attached in a smoothed version here, I have aligned the Time Windowed Vector Average of a bunch of measurements one can make in REW to this 16 dB wide sinuous Harman...
  7. P

    Room EQ & component upgrade

    Hi, First of all, I just discovered this forum a few days ago and I must say that it's blown my mind how nice of a community this is. I found this forum because I've been unhappy with the sound of my system and was specifically looking for EQ possibilities. To preface this, I am an absolute...
  8. S

    Does a speaker sound brighter or darker in a "large" room?

    How was your experience? I saw a pro-audio document saying that loudspeakers sound brighter in a large room (large in the sense of pro-audio world, a room that can hold 200 or less people is called a "small room"), because the listeners hear more reflected sound. This is a part of Gold Line...
  9. amirm

    Validity of X-curve For Cinema Sound

    Validity Of X-curve For Cinema Sound In my article in Widescreen Review Magazine published recently titled “There Is No “There” in Audio,” I made a brief reference to X-curve used for calibration of Cinema Sound and mentioned that there is no good reason to follow it for home theater...
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