room acocustics

  1. D

    Genelec 8030 Pair sounding bad in my room, better HiFi speaker alternatives?

    I got these when I was doing a lot of critical listening in a treated area and they sounded great, but these days I don't find myself doing any critical listening as I've changed jobs. Wanting to sell the Genelec pair and get some speakers that would sound great in a relatively untreated room...
  2. Le Concombre

    Target Curves, should What You See be What You Get?

    Puzzled by the Harman Curve presented here : and attached in a smoothed version here, I have aligned the Time Windowed Vector Average of a bunch of measurements one can make in REW to this 16 dB wide sinuous Harman...
  3. S

    Does a speaker sound brighter or darker in a "large" room?

    How was your experience? I saw a pro-audio document saying that loudspeakers sound brighter in a large room (large in the sense of pro-audio world, a room that can hold 200 or less people is called a "small room"), because the listeners hear more reflected sound. This is a part of Gold Line...
  4. M

    Audioholics: What is Loudspeaker Directivity?

  5. amirm

    Validity of X-curve For Cinema Sound

    Validity Of X-curve For Cinema Sound In my article in Widescreen Review Magazine published recently titled “There Is No “There” in Audio,” I made a brief reference to X-curve used for calibration of Cinema Sound and mentioned that there is no good reason to follow it for home theater...
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