
  1. dougi

    QUAD Artera PRE partial measurements/spec conformation

    Today I'll present mainly a summary of partial measurements of my QUAD Artera PRE analog preamp. The manual is finally available online and you can find it here. Like the rest of the Atera series, it is quite a looker in a clean kind of way: The back shows it has three sorts of outputs...
  2. M

    Amp suggestion for DIY Altec 311-90 wooden horns?

    Am on the hunt for an amp to run two Altec 311-90 horn clones i'm making from oak. Ive got two Faital Pro HF146 1.4" 80 W 8 Ohm that will bolt onto the horns. Hopefully will upgrade the compression drivers but on quite a low budget as i've just graduated. Am considering the Quad 405 as i'm...
  3. Vict0r

    New near-field speaker setup for a home office? Pictures!

    Hey everyone! I bought a house a while ago and had two extra rooms to go absolutely audio ham in. One of them I already transformed into a cinema, with 2 floor to ceiling corner bass traps, acoustic panels (3 on each side) and diffusers (3 skyline diffusers behind the listening position), a 65"...
  4. S

    Normal XLR cables vs Star-Quad XLR cables

    I have some pretty nice xlr cables right now. Probably way overengineered than necessary, Pangea Audio True Balanced xlr cables. I have heard there is some evidence that Star-Quad XLR cables reject interference better than other designs. Would upgrading to star quad xlr cables provide any...
  5. K

    How to improve my headphone setup step by step?

    What should be my next steps to improve soundquality with my headphone set? I'm seeking mainly 3D representation of good recordings as far as it gets with headphones. Wide soundstage, depth, layering, separation of sources, room (virtual or real) This is my setup today: Intel NUC8iBEH2 with...
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