purchase advice

  1. I

    Beginner from Germany - looking for advice

    Hey, I registered today after lurking for while. Reading here heavily influenced my decision to return my Audio GD R2R-11 today, which I got in the first place because of all the positive comments across the internet. Also I fell for the description how it supposedly sounds :facepalm: I know...
  2. J

    Element II vs. Modius/Asgard3 stack

    As the title states, I am currently trying to decide between the Element II DAC/AMP Combo vs a Modius/Asgard 3 stack. Currently just have the HD6xx, Sundara, and X2HR. I know that both of these options are overkill for the headphones that I currently own, but I am trying to future proof a little...
  3. S


  4. bricko

    Hello! Audio newbie looking for advice

    Hi everyone! :) I'm an engineering student and former forum-lurker looking to start my journey into quality audio. I've been looking to get a decent system for a while, and this year I'm actually going to bite the bullet. I've been obsessing over speaker and amplifier reviews, and before I go...
  5. K

    smsl sp200 + m200 vs m500

    Hi, Ignoring the fact that m200 has no MQA and smsl sp200 + m200 would 50 GBP more. Is the sp200+m200 combo much better (especially amp section) that the one integrated in m500 amp/dac combo? I'm looking to pair it with DT1990 headphones. Thanks
  6. C

    Need help with amp/DAC decisions :)

    Discussion: I bought a Lyr 2 because I was auditioning a ton of stuff at home and I wanted something I was sure would power anything I caught hold of. I've basically never heard any other upstream gear besides a couple other Schiit amps. I was always skeptical of audiophile reviews, despite...
  7. C

    Considering changing up my amp/DAC

    Current chain: Modi 2 -> Lyr 2 (LSST tubes) Cans: HD800 (SDR EQ) Rosson RAD-0 ZMF Verite Closed (Also JH Angie, ER3XR) Portable DAPs: iPod + Rockbox Hidizs AP80 LG V20 Phone Budget: $550 unless there's a big jump in price-performance after that. If there is, maybe considering an extra $2-300...
  8. K

    Seeking DAC / AMP combo suggestions, please!

    Hi guys! I’m completely new to the audiophile world and just purchased a pair of HD650’s. I’ve found myself getting lost in a sea of varying opinions / reviews on how to optimally drive them. I’d deeply appreciate all advice and suggestions for a DAC / AMP combo - either all in one or...
  9. egglol

    AMP and DAC for my setup

    (no longer necessary, delete please thanks.)
  10. C

    Looking for an upgrade from ATH M50X

    I've had the M50X's for a few years now and I've enjoyed them, but I've started to become underwhelmed by the quality (they're also starting to break down a little). Not sure what the best way to put this is, I'd like to feel the music more, have it be more immediate, closer to my mind (sorry if...
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