philharmonic bmr

  1. E

    Question regarding choosing an AVR with BMR Monitors as center and sides

    I’m in the process of setting up my first home theater system in my about 11’x15’ listening space. I plan to integrate the audio equipment I use and with be using the system for both critical listening and watching films. My music system presently consists of a Mac Mini --> Topping D10 -->...
  2. Steve Dallas

    KEF R3 vs. Philharmonic BMR Grudge Rematch to the Probably not Death Thread

    As none of you recall, I tested the roadshow BMRs that Dennis was kind enough to ship all around the country last year and posted a lengthy thread about the experience. And, I ended up liking them enough to buy a pair. They even unseated my KEF R3s, which I sold shortly after receiving the...
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