
  1. A

    Looking for over the ear headphones to replace my dt1990 pro

    Hello I have been using the Beyerdynamic dt1990 pro. I do enjoy using them but i would like something that can handle bit more bass. The dt1990 seem to distort quite a bit with loud bass. So far i have tested the Beyerdynamic 700s, Beyerdynamic 770 limited edition , Denon 5200, Denon 7200, Aune...
  2. Soria Moria

    The HIFIMAN General

    HIFIMAN is a regularly discussed company and who frequently releases new headphones. Instead of making a thread for each release I thought it could work nicely to have a thread for all of their products. They seem to be having a new product release period.
  3. B

    Best budget wireless bluetooth headphones

    Hello! I live in Europe and my budget is around 50 eur. I have the anker soundcore q10 which are awesome, but now I want something better. I am choosing between 1more sonoflow and jbl tune 710bt/720bt, but I am happy to hear other recommendations. I am a fan of neutral sound (I have the pc38x as...
  4. Another_Moon

    Please, recommend headphones for listening to music with ENJOYMENT.

    Greetings, I want headphones for enjoying, comfortable, pleasant, probably emotional, possibly fun listening. Budget up to about $300. As I heard the phrase, in a review of the DT 990 Pro from a sound engineer, where he compared them from the point of use of mixing/mastering, he said that these...
  5. Soria Moria

    FiiO FT3. The most overlooked headphone?

    A few days ago I came across the headphone FiiO FT3. I had never heard about it and apparently it released only a few months. I was shocked when I found a measurement of it and saw that it actually measures pretty great. How and why have I not seen more discussion of this headphone here?! Yes...
  6. E

    Looking for a over ear headphone with excellent isolation

    I'm looking for a pair of decent over-ear headphones that have excellent sound isolation. I have a pair of Dan Clark Aeons and although they are great headphones they don't seem to isolate all that well. On the other hand, if I put on my 3m noise reducing earmuffs (31db) I have absolute...
  7. dreadknot

    help me choose best 2ch combo stax

    Help me decide i plan to have a dedicated music room for just listening va a pair of speakers an headphones and im planning to put together a new Over-The-Ear/Dac/Eq/Dac/Lp/2 CH stack an pair with my existing crown audio xls-1502 & my 2nd schiit magnius an and i want to pair with either the...
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