nad m10v2

  1. M

    MiniDSP (for Dirac) + WiiM Pro Plus + Apollon NCx500 ST = Does this make sense? How to plug?

    Hi there and greetings from Germany! I currently own 2 KEF LS50W2 and an Arendal 1723 1S. Unfortunately, I am missing kick-bass, clarity and stronger vocals, especially at high volumes. Plus, I have hefty room modes at roughly 45 Hz (=hence the wish for Dirac). I am looking at getting a proper...
  2. Cpopovic

    NAD M66 (vs NAD M33 and M10V2)

    A forum member recently asked me publish a post to outline the key differences in sound between the NAD M10V2, NAD M33 and NAD M66. I had the pleasure to either own, listen or trial them so here is my take. Starting with the NAD M10V2 The NAD M10V2 is a great entry in to the audiophile world...
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