musician audio

  1. WaynesterUK

    New headphones needed, advice or recommendations? Pro Musician

    Hi everyone I’m a professional musician, keyboard player and vocalist in various bands in the UK I’m after a new pair of headphones, currently have the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 ohms model, I’ve always been underwhelmed by their sound (dunno why) a bit of distortion sometimes, but extremely...
  2. 0

    Gustard U18 DDC / Musician Audio Pegasus

    I am using the Gustard U18 with a Musician Pegasus DAC. I am using the I2S output on the U18 and the I2S input on the Pegasus. PCM audio seems to work fine, however the left and right channels are swapped while playing DSD audio. I have tried the 4 different modes on the U18 and the 8 different...
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