music downloads

  1. H

    How to download songs to the mconnect Player for offline listening

    Using mconnect Player Lite on my iPhone to listen to my music on the phone from a UPnP server. Works well. Now I would like to download songs for offline listing. Has anybody achived this? If the Lite version can't do it, can the paid version (connect Player) do it?
  2. L

    Where do you guys get your binaural recordings?

    I found that binaural recordings are really natural and pleasant to listen to. Actually telling the locations the sound, feeling the layers and space, it's like actually sitting there with the sounds. (Also now I think people reviewing headphones and saying how they perceive the space, width...
  3. Vintage57

    How many hours a week do you spend just enjoying the music?

    How many hours a week do you spend listening to music. When we’re not in lockdown
  4. amirm

    Objective Analysis and Review of High-Res Music

    High resolution files are becoming increasingly common. The convenience to buy something and have it delivered in a few minutes is great. As is the ability to reach closer to the "master." In this thread, I thought we perform reviews of various high-resolution digital music downloads. My...
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