music discovery

  1. S

    Exhausted by the audio hobby

    So after years of trying new headphones, headphone amps, DACs I think I am kind of stuck in the audio hobby. In August, I came back from a year-long non reading any reviews or trying new stuff. The amps and DACs are measuring great sounding the same, nothing new and special any more, but I got...
  2. ThatM1key

    Mega Mix Music Playlists

    Today I'm gonna be releasing my handful of "Mega Mix" playlists (Spotify only). I was wanting to build a big collection of these Mega Mix playlists and my new series (That I won't name), but I didn't want to gatekeep (From the world) of what I currently made. I consider my quality playlists to...
  3. ThatM1key

    Re-Recordings that sound better then the Original versions

    After seeing (Hearing) I would say a few thousand songs, I stumbled across a handful of re-recordings. Most re-recordings are usually made in the 1980s with older artists with cheaper instruments while having higher fidelity. With Classic Country, they can be really good or really terrible. The...
  4. ThatM1key

    How did you discover music?

    First off, I do not want this thread to get merged, Anyways. We all listen to music here and we all discover music via many ways. I would like to know from this community is how you discovered the music you love. How I discovered music was mainly from Compilation CDs/Tapes, Pandora...
  5. L

    Where do you guys get your binaural recordings?

    I found that binaural recordings are really natural and pleasant to listen to. Actually telling the locations the sound, feeling the layers and space, it's like actually sitting there with the sounds. (Also now I think people reviewing headphones and saying how they perceive the space, width...
  6. M

    Opinions on the music-discovery performance of current streaming services (and how to get the most out of them)?

    Sure, we all have a stash of cd rips and high-res content that was repeatedly vetted and benchmarked on various gear... But nothing compares to the thrill of hearing something for the first time that fits so perfectly in the moment. As someone who does ml by day (outside the entertainment...
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