
  1. H

    Boombox with AIrplay and built-in MP3 player

    Hello Audio fans I'm looking for a smallish stereo boombox with a built-in MP3 player (so that my son can choose audio stories and songs without a big screen). However the boombox should also have Airplay (to connect to my Roon HiFi setup). Any suggestions of models?
  2. fountain

    good dap/mp3 that support both opus and aac (.m4a)?

    searching for a portable player to listen my collection of songs that I downloaded with jdownloader and some songs come in opus, the rest in aac .m4a note: if also supports flac better so I can get some songs I have in flac ty guys :)
  3. fountain

    Is there a lack of audio players on the market?

    I post this because I have noticed that on Amazon, for example, that it is the largest marketplace in the world, if you search for an mp3 you will only find ones of very dubious quality and strange brands that no one knows with very strange names, I have tried two, and both have presented...
  4. Svperstar

    People who switched your library from MP3 to FLAC how did you go about doing it?

    EDIT: You don't need to reply and tell me you cannot "convert" and MP3 into FLAC and get back the lost audio. I am aware of that. I said "convert" when I should have said "replace". As in replace by downloading. So I have been building my MP3 library since I got my first PC in 1996. I started...
  5. weesch


    HI Is someone use Pazera Audio Extractor for mastering ? Because i use it for make mastering with cubase... i export my cubase project mixdown at 96 khz - 6 db in wav format... after i import it in Pazera and put X3 multiplicator in Wav...
  6. ThatM1key

    PS4 Digital Soundtracks Question

    I'm not much of a PS4 user, as I use my brothers. In recent years, I seen games bundled with digital soundtracks. I've done some research but not getting direct answers, people reply with its a zip file when you use a USB flash drive. I've heard its a zip with MP3, no other bitrate info and...
  7. R

    Audio Transparency, File Format and Bitrate Survey

    Hi, The poll aims to collect data on which file format and bitrate combination is preferred by most individuals (or sounds acoustically transparent to them when compared to lossless).
  8. L

    This might be a silly question however will the DAC improve the overall audio of my PC?

    For example a song from youtube or an MP3 file etc OR is it only FLAC files? Does the D50S have specs that are good enough to pair with a high end system with an amplifier? Currently my speakers are the Audioengine A5+ which has an inbuilt amp. Thanks for the help! ☺️
  9. Xulonn

    Digital music collections - organizing/editing filenames and metadata...

    Classical and jazz, in particular, offer many challenges for digital audiophiles with their variable (and often long and complex for classical music) mix of names. Composers, symphonies, concertos, movements, sonatas, suites, conductors, soloists and more are some of the complexities for...
  10. amirm

    It is All Software!

    It is All Software By Amir Majidimehr [Note: this is an article that was published in the Widescreen Review Magazine] OK, it is not all software but most of it is. What am I talking about? I am talking about video! Yes, video. Please don’t flip the page. Let me explain with a bit of...
  11. amirm

    Fancy Terms To Impress Your Friends

    Cool Technical Terms By, Amir Majidimehr I thought I create a thread with industry terms that you could throw around to impress your friends and people less than fortunate who don’t read these articles :). 1. Coding noise. In signal processing circles, we use the term “noise” to describe...
  12. amirm

    History of Audio and Video Streaming and Digital Distribution

    This is an article I wrote for Widescreen Review in 2015 to show the progress we had made since the inception of that magazine in audio/video. It also covers part of my career that related to this evolution. Hope you don't hold that against it :). ---- History of Audio and Video Streaming and...
  13. amirm

    Bits and Bytes of Audio/Video Formats

    This is an article I wrote in 2011. It is basic information but very important to know as it is at the heart of digital audio and video. Understanding Audio/Video Rates By Amir Majidimehr Get ready to learn the most fundamental concept in audio/video which sadly, most people don’t understand...
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