
  1. Lab_Experiment

    Specific use case inquiry for SUPER-FI

    Hello, first post. I have the RME ADI-2 PRO fs. I’m looking for an amp that will actually use the fidelity I paid for. I don’t think I listen to music the same way other people do. I like putting my ear right against the woofer and tweeter to really figure out whats going on. I am fanatically...
  2. B

    Replacing LA90/LA90D power supply ?

    I asked this on the newly released PA7 plus thread but got no answers. I’m putting it here if anyone has a clue. The PA7 plus power brick is specified at 52V/6.5A while LA90/LA90D were released with 64V/4A power brick. I have 2 LA90 in mono with a Polk r700 (89db but not exactly 8ohms) and I’ll...
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