jbl 305 mk ii

  1. VilmFilm

    Vinyl Wrap or Walnut Veneer JBL 305p mkii?

    I have white edition JBL 305p mkii studio monitors and would be fun and look nice to use walnut veneer or vinyl wrap the sides contrasting the white front. I've seen teardown videos of this speaker and it seems mainly straight forward but how would i go about removing the white pvc material on...
  2. S

    JBL 305 HT equivalent or Polk Monitor 70 upgrade?

    Hi everyone, I am not much of a seasoned audiophile, but I am a musician and electrical engineer, so I have some experience in the world of sound, amplification, and speakers. I am looking to upgrade my home theatre with a heavy emphasis on the front speakers. My reference to "good" speakers...
  3. W

    Could use some 101 advice

    Hello, First of all I‘d like to say I’m super impressed with the wealth of exact information and knowledge available here. I had a homestudio once but started traveling about five years ago and haven’t done anything with recording music since. It is now that I’ve temporarily settled in a place...
  4. M

    Blind Listening Test 2: Neumann KH 80 vs JBL 305p MkII vs Edifier R1280T vs RCF Arya Pro5

    Shortly after completing the first blind listening test, @Inverse_Laplace and I started thinking about all the ways we’d like to improve the rigor and explore other questions. Written summary follows, but here is a video if you prefer that medium: Speakers (calculated preference score in...
  5. D

    Is there an EQ of Anechoic chamber for JBL305 mk ii?

    Hello. I bought 305p of JBL used. I'm very satisfied. Kali's Lp6 v2 used at work was able to find EQ. But it's hard to find if I'm not good at searching for the EQ for 305p. Does anyone know the EQ value that ASR member tested and calibrated in Anechoic chamber? Thanks.
  6. F

    Marantz PM6006 DAC VS Dragonfly Red

    Hi everybody, This is a thread about Raspberry pi dacs and digital connections. I'm moving to a new amplifier and the Marantz PM6006 seems to fit perfectly my budget. My current source is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with a DACBerry One+HAT (https://www.osaelectronics.com/product/dacberry-one-plus/)...
  7. prasanth.nath

    Got Scanspeak Revelator 15W/8530K00 and Scanspeak Tweeter D2904/980000 - What to build?

    Greetings. I have an ellam 98 mk II http://www.troelsgravesen.dk/Ellam98-mkII.htm designed by Troels Gravesen of Denmark. I made the terrible mistake of buying a JBL 305 mk II recently, because of the one-man-industry-disruptor we all know about. To my utter horror, the ellam is thoroughly...
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