hifiman sundara

  1. A

    Fiio BTR7 - Hifiman Sundara via 4.4 Balanced Cable.

    I have tried doing some research on this setup, but havent found anything conclusive. While on paper there should be no issues since the BTR7 can deliver 320+320mW through the 4.4mm jack for a 32Ohms Headphones. Ive still seen people say that this isn't enough. The sens on the Sundaras is 92dB...
  2. I

    Topping L30 ii vs. JDS Labs Atom 2

    I am getting the Hifiman Sundara and I have a Scarlett Focusrite 4i4 4th gen (48 mW over 32 ohms) so I will need a dedicated headphone amp to pair with it. The only question is, should I go with the L30 ii or Atom 2? I've read the reviews but I'm still not sure.. anybody with experience of the...
  3. V

    Sundara/Soundblaster G6 + AMP Desktop Setup

    Hello, I am pretty new to the entire HiFi world. I hope this thread is not already answered somewhere. As I am more and more working from home I want to upgrade my desktop listening experience. I currently own a pair of BD MMX 300 headset for the occasional gaming, connected to a Soundblaster...
  4. S

    Hifiman Sundara 2 issues: 1, volume levels, 2, noise floor. help?

    hey guys, I got myself my first pair of audiophile grade headphones yesterday -- Hifiman Sundara. I am a bit perplexed about a couple of issues and need your perspective. Please help a fellow noob with these issues and help me get better? Okay, so a bit of a background. I have a hidizs S9 Pro...
  5. S

    Hifiman HE-560 VS Hifiman Sundara

    I have a doubt. I want to upgrade and my budget is 350 dollars and I don't know which one to choose: the Hifiman Sundara with a value of 300 dollars or the HiFiMan HE-560 V4 Premium with a value of 340 dollars. Searching on Youtube I found this video: there are several versus and the Hifiman...
  6. J

    HELP! HD560s or Sundara, which one should I buy?

    Hello I would like you to help me in the group because I have a doubt. I like to listen to hi-fi music in .flac and .MQA with Tidal in master quality and also play video games. and I want to buy some of these two headphones but I don't know which one to buy, the sennheiser hd 560s or the hifiman...
  7. Rat God

    Amplifier for Hifiman Sundara

    Needs to be shipped from Europe Probably thread #50 on this but all the recommendations are for amplifiers only available in AMERICA. :mad: Living in Denmark I'd have to pay ~50% import tax + fees so anything that isn't shipped from within the EU is out of the question. Can't afford DAC I...
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