
  1. D

    Stick with Schiit Magnius for single ended headphones or get Schiit Heresy?

    I've posted elsewhere about my new Hifiman Sundara cans, which I really like. I have balanced 3.5mm to 4 pin XLR cable for them, and waiting for Schiit Modius/Magnius stack (they are on backorder until the 31st). I also was able to procure a pair of AKG K712 headphones. Unfortunately, these are...
  2. A

    Need help deciding between the Schiit Heresy and JDS Labs Atom

    I'm sort of torn between the two. I've read both reviews and still unsure From what I've gathered so far looking around is that no one can hear a difference between the two?? The only thing I've heard mainly is that the Heresy has more power but only slightly? ____ heresy Newer Release...
  3. Dree

    Budget home studio DAC + AMP

    Hi! After reading pages and pages of posts I decided my doubts required a dedicated post so not to muddle other topics. I am preparing a small home studio with no studio monitors (first because it would bother my family and second because I'm buying my new equipment during a short trip to the...
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