genelec 8351

  1. I

    Genelec 8361a vs 8351b

    Hello! New member here! Hope all is well! I read alot of threads regarding Genelec 8361a and 8351b and the discussions that followed are very confusing atleast to me. I cannot decide between the two models and id hate to get the lesser option (i only demoed the 8351a in person which sound...
  2. Esprit

    8361A… many questions (sorry).

    Good morning everyone, first post here on ASR after years of reading dozens of threads and hundreds of posts. A couple of premises: English is not my mother tongue and at school I got a grade of 4 (for which I will use Google Translate massively…) and from a technical point of view I am quite...
  3. A

    WTB Genelec 8351 A/B or 8341 in EUROPE

    Hello, If you have a pair of Genelec 8351 A/B or 8341, please let me know! Preferably in the EU I'll pay the transport as well. Thank you.
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