
  1. I

    Looking for Recommendations for a Gaming/Music Stationary Laptop DAC/AMP Stack 500-800 Range

    I'm really new to the audiophile scene and have been trying to research different setups/products to purchase for my new laptop upgrade. I am looking at purchasing the Hifiman Ananda wired headphones and looking for a DAC/AMP stack to pair with the headsets for my 70% gaming 30% music. I was...
  2. TheHighContemplator

    Drop Dan Clark Audio Aeon Closed X

    This thread is to cover Drop's release of their version of Dan Clark Audio's Aeon Closed RT headphones, which Drop calls the "Aeon Closed X". All discussion is welcome. Here is the link: Drop + Dan Clark Audio Aeon Closed X Drop's description of their collaboration: "Our last collaboration...
  3. KlinkKlink

    Focal Elex clipping and replacement pads stock?

    So I'm looking for a good pair of open, neutral, low-impedance dynamics that don't push $1k, and the Elex seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, but there seems to be talk of problems with it in the past. So what's all this about clipping and a replacement pad debacle? Are those perforated...
  4. Racheski

    Help me spend Drop reward points

    I pre-ordered the HD8XX and now have $200 in Drop reward points to dispose of, but I'm really not sure what I should spend them on. Here are some initial thoughts I had... Do nothing until the HD8XX arrives in November. I already have the HD800S and plan to keep the one I prefer. If I end...
  5. TOOdamnFRANK

    Help with DAC & Amplifier pairings. (Drop, SMSL, Schiit, Topping, THX,...)

    I’m fairly new to this whole world of home audio / audiophile products / headphones (less than 1.5 years or so) and my first real / external Amp & DAC stack was a Schiit Modi & Magni 3+. Since then I have moved on and purchased a Drop THX 789 with a Drop Grace SDAC that I did not care for. Right...
  6. M

    Fiio K5 Pro or Drop O2 + SDAC

    I live in the EU and ordered the O2 + SDAC but now see that it only has a US plug and the EU plug will either be $16+$26 shipping, or $23 in an EU store. For this price it will be around the same as the Fiio K5 Pro. I see that the Fiio has a stronger Amp but want to know if the Amp is better...
  7. RickSanchez

    Massdrop 789 vs. Monoprice 887 vs. SMSL SP200: THX amp measurement comparison

    Due to the Green Bay Packers having a bye week (i.e., I have a little more free time than usual today) I thought it would be interesting to compare three high-performing and relatively budget THX headphone amplifiers: the Drop (Massdrop) THX AAA 789 vs. the Monoprice Monolith THX AAA 887 vs. the...
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