
  1. yllanos

    DDC + miniDSP: Does it make sense?

    I have been thinking about making changes to my stereo setup. I have been interested in getting a miniDSP Studio (the digital-only one) and to try an R2R DAC since I have never tried that kind of sound before. Anyway, when researching about R2R DACs, I got to Denafrips offerings (Ares II...
  2. H

    Denafrips Pontus Vs Hifiman EF600

    Hi all, Currently have a RME ADI 2 and an EF400 but am upgrading and am stuck between these 2 DACs and was wondering if anyone has auditioned them and thus first hand experience and will love your inputs. My setup is purely for headphone usage. Thanks!
  3. yllanos

    Denafrips ARCE streamer
  4. B

    Massdrop Airist R2R DAC for sale

    I have a Massdrop Airist R2R DAC in perfect working order. It has no known issues and sounds amazing. I am asking $400 with Paypal F&F buyer pays shipping or $450 I pay shipping and Paypal Goods and Services.
  5. Loomynarty

    An "objective" test of the ifi iPurifier3 (I tried)

    I tried to do an objective test of the ifi iPurifier3 as doing a proper blind ABX listening test would require two of the same DAC. Thought process was sort of stolen from a video made by Passion for Sound where he compared usb cables to each other by recording the DAC output with a USB audio...
  6. O

    Pre Amp Needed?

    Hi, just wanting to get some advice as i am kind of new to this. I was wanting to know if a Pre amp is needed if intend to connect a Denafrips Aeries II Dac to ELAC NAVIS ARB51 Speakers? So i currently have a Bluesound Node 2i Connected via RCA into a pair of ELAC NAVIS ARB 51 Active Bookshelf...
  7. O

    Denafrips Pontus DAC variable latency issue

    Hello guys, I am having some latency issues with my Denafrips Pontus DAC. I measured the latency using the RME Fireface UC USB interface and the REW software (using loop-back as timing reference ). I made 20 measurements, one after the other with only a short delay (few seconds or less)...
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