
  1. IAtaman

    The Shape of IEMs to Come

    Read this article on headphones.com talking about the advantages of using B&K5128 for in-ear headphones specifically, and found it interesting. If I understood it correctly, it is saying that 5128 with its closer-to-human-ear acoustic impedance provides better insights into how in-ear...
  2. Biblob

    Crinacle bought the B&K 5128/4620

    He is going to update his database using the new B&K equipment. Edit: It surprises me a little bit this thread doesn't get any traction. I thought more people would find this interesting to discuss :)
  3. Le Concombre

    Target Curves, should What You See be What You Get?

    Puzzled by the Harman Curve presented here : http://www.audioheritage.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?39134-Harman-Target-Curve and attached in a smoothed version here, I have aligned the Time Windowed Vector Average of a bunch of measurements one can make in REW to this 16 dB wide sinuous Harman...
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