audioengine speakers

  1. L

    AudioEngine HD6 inbuilt DAC or the Topping D90 MQA or D50s? Currently own AudioEngine A5 and Topping D50s. Looking for a upgrade.

    Help me pick a sound system. I already have a Yamaha YST-SW515 woofer that I'm satisfied with, I just want a good speaker (HD6) and a DAC for HiRes Audio. Mostly play my music from bluetooth since I have no PC. Is there anyway I can get top notch sound from bluetooth (iPhone) or should I buy a...
  2. L

    How can I play flac files on my windows computer using CCA and using my iPhone as a remote?

    Speakers:Audioengine A5+ DAC:Topping D50 or D50s Audio files: 24/196, 24/192 and DSD files. I'd like to use the DAC of my Topping device (which I haven't chosen yet) instead of the CC. I want to use the CC to stream lossless music, if possible! My source is my iPhone and Windows PC. Yes, I...
  3. L

    Best DAC under $300 for Audioengine A5+ powered speakers

    My source is my PC and my purpose is to listen to FLAC 24/196, 24/192 etc and DSD music files! Please give your recommendations! I have made a poll as well feel free to vote plus recommend devices that you think are better! Thanks! ☺️
  4. L

    Topping D10 2019 or D30

    Which has better specs to play lossless music from powered bookshelf speakers? (AudioEngine A5+)
  5. amirm

    RMAF 2016: Audioengine Powered Speakers

    I listened to the little HD3 speakers on the black table. Retail for $399. Don't get very loud but they have limited the volume where even at the end of the dial it doesn't get distorted.
  6. amirm

    AXPONA: Audioengine Speakers

    In the past shows I have never been able to audition these popular bookshelf speakers. So I made a point of doing that at this show. Alas, it was not meant to be. There were a bunch of people behind me talking loud. I asked the presenter to play something dynamic for me to hear how well the...
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