
  1. K

    Upgrade for my Hifiman Arya Stealth, currently using Fiio K5 Pro (non ess version)

    Hello. Looking to replace my Fiio K5 Pro because I think, even tho it works just fine in combination with the Arya Stealth, it gives my mind an uneasy feeling due to the different price range both of the products play in (1500€ vs. 175€). Also, I rather would like to have separate units, a...
  2. E

    Torn between the 800s and the Arya stealth

    Good morning everyone, I've been mulling over which one of these to add to my growing collection. In terms of hardware I can supply power than enough clean power (magnius/modius) and i'm more than willing to EQ. I already have a pair of LCD 2C, DCA closed X, and 6xx. I'm very interested in...
  3. 312elements

    A journey in setting up a personal listening station. The Good The Bad and The Ugly

    It was about 10 years ago that I bought a pair of Grado 225's and I thought it was a real big deal. The local shops here in Chicago push Grado hard, they looked cool, and they fit the budget. I think at the time I purchased a little Fiio amp to go with it, and I was as happy as could be...
  4. A

    Amp/DAC suggestions needed for Hifiman Arya

    Currently running a JDS Atom + Topping E30. Though I’m well into the territory of diminishing returns/$, I’m hoping for some suggestions - Is there anything to gain from a hardware change with these headphones? E.g. would a THX / other balanced amp cause these cans to become overly...
  5. Oros Abaddon

    My Arya's Broke

    The left cup went out on my Arya. I didn't drop it or anything, it just went out while I was watching youtube. I bought it second hand from a dude but the original purchase happened under 9 months ago so I am not sure if they will help me or not. I am going to bet not, but I wanted to see if...
  6. N

    No audio in a balanced setup (THX 789 + DX7s)

    Hey everyone. I've finally received my THX 789 and was excited to set it up, but I'm not hearing any audio with my setup. I have a pair of HiFiMAN Arya with a balanced cable which I used to plug into my Topping DX7s and it works great. I've received my THX 789 which I was excited to plug in and...
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