
  1. Mat

    Does a jittery stream affect quality if reclocked?

    I bought a Wiim Pro to compare Airplay streaming against my Airport Express and I need a little objectivity because A/B testing is getting neurotic and I'm not sure if perceived differences are in my head. The Airport Express has enough jitter that a cheaper DAC I tested can't lock the signal...
  2. trl

    Apple TV 3'rd Generation - AirPlay measurements over TOSLINK

    Hello all, I was about to get rid of my old Apple TV 3'rd generation, A1469 model, due to the fact that it has no HBO Max, just Prime Video and Netflix and not sure for how long, given that streaming platforms will probably get updated in few years again, while this Apple TV model is already...
  3. PeterOo

    Has anybody been able to use Airplay 2 without the clicks/crackling sound?

    There are numerous reports on ASR about clicks/crackling sound when using Airplay 2. Most thorough discussion seems to be this. Did anybody get to the bottom of this problem with crackling/clicking noise over Airplay (2)? The solution for Airport Express seems to be a firmware downgrade and...
  4. M

    Advice on AirPlay 1 streamer

    Unfortunately I bought in on the Apple universe years ago. Now I’m looking for an advice on an AirPlay 1 streamer. I got tired of AirPlay 2 long ago because of lag/stuttering when adding songs to cue or reorganizing a playlist on the fly… And I have tried my Airports and different third party...
  5. Zensō

    Mac can now be an AirPlay Receiver: MacOS Monterey Released
  6. B

    AirPlay issue - skipping first seconds of songs

    Hi, I noticed the above mentioned issue lately, playing Apple Music through AirPlay1. What I've done so far without positive results: Restart - iPhone, router, streamer. Disable Bluetooth and Siri. Apple Music - Offload App, Delete App, Reinstall. Album downloaded locally on the phone. and...
  7. O

    looking for a streamer/DAC with Airplay 2 + wifi to connect Adam active speakers

    hello, i am looking for a reasonably priced streamer/DAC with wifi. I absolutely need Airplay 2 (being on apple ecosystem) and would have loved balanced outputs to hook it up with my to Adam active speakers. but balanced will inevitably push the price up and it is not key right now. I am...
  8. L

    I feel like HEOS is overlooked!

    Hi all, I have now owned 3 Denon / Marantz receivers with HEOS (3500, 3600, and SR6012). I always discounted it as a solution for the lazy or as a Sonos replacement, never thinking it was up to snuff for my “serious” (lol) listening practices. I previously used a Chromecast Audio into a DAC...
  9. Dogen

    Apple Sound Check over Airplay?

    Hi all, I’m heavily invested in streaming ripped music in iTunes over Airplay to various devices around the house. But, the Sound Check feature does not appear to work over Airplay, as it does through a wired connection to my Mac. Is there any way to get an Airplay receiver to read and apply the...
  10. BillG

    Another potential Chromecast Audio replacement at $399USD...

    Another potential Chromecast Audio replacement, should they ever become completely unobtainable. However, this one supports AirPlay, DLNA, Bluetooth, the ability to play from an attached USB drive, and has an optical output, in addition to having Chromecast Built-in... :D...
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