1. Matias

    MoFi SourcePoint 888 Review and Measurements by Erin

    Impressive speaker, nicely balanced. 5000 USD. https://www.erinsaudiocorner.com/loudspeakers/mofi_soucepoint_888/
  2. RickSanchez

    Massdrop 789 vs. Monoprice 887 vs. SMSL SP200: THX amp measurement comparison

    Due to the Green Bay Packers having a bye week (i.e., I have a little more free time than usual today) I thought it would be interesting to compare three high-performing and relatively budget THX headphone amplifiers: the Drop (Massdrop) THX AAA 789 vs. the Monoprice Monolith THX AAA 887 vs. the...
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