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  1. S

    Digital XLR outputs - list of streamers or computer interfaces with AES/EBU

    There is nothing balanced about BNC. it is by definition single ended. even if you connect the shield as the negative phase, the impedance will not be balanced; due to the physical layout of the cable and connector.
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    USB-C enough to drive voltage to 1400W active two-way array RCF?

    It depends how the volume control is achieved whether it makes a difference. Its a balance Driving the input to less than the ideal max before clipping means you are not making use of the Signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the amplifier, because the noise level of the phone/dac remains constant...
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    Metals for prefab and DIY cables

    the reason for the nickel is gold does not direct plate over copper very well, the copper will often diffuse/migrate into the gold, making it pretty useless for its intended purpose.
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    Compact balanced connectors

    I would think it would be fine. have you got a means of testing it with one channel? if there is a shield in your cable, tie that to the chassis—and chassis only—at BOTH ends (and the db25 shell casings if they are metal) not just one end, both. that isn't signal ground and you shouldnt tie...
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    Compact balanced connectors

    You are probably thinking of Mark Levinson. the switchcraft mini XLR are a better class of mini xlr, if one must be used, but they arent a Lemo. The swiss watch of hi end scientific/industrial connectors. Again, not recommending it here. While they do have stuff in their catalogue that would...
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    Compact balanced connectors

    yeah I was going to suggest lemo, or amphenol, great stuff, but pricey. love them, but for 12 balanced channels youd end up spending over $500. i'd vote for DB25. actually not that difficult to solder. since its balanced audio, is there any reason you actually need a ground wire for each...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Cool, ok, well I guess that's a win win. I dont feel the need to block, just because someone has a strikingly different approach to me. I hope Anton can find, or remember why exactly he joined and perhaps ponder exactly why he was so profoundly affected by me telling him about myself. Since it...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Just a heads up, the block doesnt seem to have stuck. You may want to check your settings, for your own peace of mind :D Either that, or it works differently here than other forums? Is blocking only one way here and you cant see this, but I can see your posts? That seems problematic ...
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    As for seperate electronics. I diy, so it depends what I want. It should be possible to just have an embedded RPI compute module running CamillaDSP, a dac, and then an amp in each case, somehow automatically synced over the air, using a setup routine at each power on cycle (I would expect the...
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    JBL M2 Reference Master Monitor Review

    Yes, For some reason in my head I was thinking of it as a 3 way. I havent read the thread, just the OP and video. I guess I was looking at the driver in a similar way to how dual BA drivers in IEMs are used. sometimes there is a crossover, sometimes not, but each excelling in a band, or...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    I know what your claim is and it is at best a terrible generalization. I myself would not fit, since I constantly utilise both those cliches at the same time. Being interested in and working over the years as a chef (deserts are both creative and amazingly technical) and time management is key...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    But its all good mate, i'm not angry. Ive seen it before. I dont begrudge you your audio nirvana and I wouldnt presume to dictate what yours should be. Of course there are reference recordings, but that is a tiny amount of my listening habits as a whole. Even then, yeah, i'm not measuring the...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    You dont want me to go back and quote the bits? personalise? yeah, sure. I take it personally, as I expect do you.
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    Dan Clark Stealth Headphone Review: Best in the World? (Video)

    This. Everything about them though, the engineering is amazing and so well executed. They look so comfortable too.
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    A more thorough and referenced breakdown of the left/right brain scenario for those interested, from NPR
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Yes, thats the same technique used by Smyth linked above for binaural recording/playback, looks like theyve just released a new box, reviewed here I think @amirm ?. yep wow, @phoenixdogfan system sounds pretty amazing IMO. I might choose a different headphone. Not a huge HD800 fan myself, but...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Well, it seems to me, as described, you could do the same with headphones ... if you are sitting still, eyes closed on a couch, vs sitting still, eyes closed sitting on a couch with headphones... with eyes open and moving around I get it. There is also a device called the smyth realizer, which...
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time... i'm sure its moved on in the last 4 years as well. Interesting stuff.
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    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Fair enough. Whatever works for you. I guess it depends on the source material whether that matters and headphones are but one way to enjoy good sound wherever I am. I dont know what this 'serious listening' is, maybe i'm missing out? I use whatever the best tool is for the job. sometimes thats...
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