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  1. atsmusic

    Master Thread: Are measurements Everything or Nothing?

    I think you totally misunderstood my post. My point is a lot of musicians use all sorts of things that color a certain instrument or sound. I never said any of the other things you implied I said.
  2. atsmusic

    Master Thread: Are measurements Everything or Nothing?

    I honestly don't think there are many musicians on this site. I say this because a lot of musicians like things that color the sound. Like there are a ton of plugins and hardware that is made just for this very reason. Like you would run a clean signal through it to color the sound. A lot of...
  3. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    They are obviously high fidelity speakers. Have you really heard them? they sound amazing.
  4. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    Once again that makes little sense. Because the point is they are very competent designers. Just because someone has a different design philosophy than you do doesn't make them incompetent.
  5. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    they are, they are just not the way you prefer them to measure. A lot of people like them sorry to break it to you.
  6. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    What does the FR being how they want have to do with marketing? The technical performance as far as FR goes is how they want it to be. So not sure what you are saying really.
  7. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    The fact remains that the speaker is how B&W wants it to be at least as far as the FR
  8. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    I read that review and he seemed to like them no? He also said he toured the B&W factory and believes the speaker measures how B&W wants it to.
  9. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    Actually I hear how incredibly good they are almost every day since I own the 800 D3s
  10. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    yeah because they sound awesome, so if you don't see it you won't know how bad they are ;)
  11. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    What speaker company doesn't use marketing lol
  12. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    No I get that totally. It's just that they have been posted like 100 times in this thread already.
  13. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    May I ask what the point of showing all these graphs are? I mean we all know B&W speakers aren't flat. We also know they could make a "better" measuring speaker if they wanted to. Some people will like them and some won't.
  14. atsmusic

    Should I be here, I don't think I'm an audiophile

    yes because most people don't really care about sound quality.
  15. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    I love my D3s, was just listening to them. Will get a lot of enjoyment out of them I am glad I did not go with the Revels.
  16. atsmusic

    How much money do you have invested in this "hobby?"

    The first question is this hobby and the second is current system. Two VERY different things for me anyhow.
  17. atsmusic

    Why do people like/use Roon?

    hahaha you think apple does software properly?
  18. atsmusic

    Trying to understand the turntable/vinyl world...

    Right most of the remasters aren't even as good as the original mastering
  19. atsmusic

    Trying to understand the turntable/vinyl world...

    a lot of the best masters are on records. This is very true. Seems no one here cares about mastering which makes a huge difference in sound quality.
  20. atsmusic

    B&W 800D4 series

    I listen to the 800 d3s almost every day and don't sound "buzzy" at all in my room. I am actually pretty amazed how good they sound every time I listen. I feel really lucky to have them.
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