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  1. R

    Why does Cannabis make music sound way more detailed and hundreds of times more enjoyable?

    I'm thinking it's been well stocked with stoners and psychonauts, how the hell else do you hear a "not subtle" deeper, wider, soundstage and more focus from an $8 power cord relabeled at $329? Fremer must use all that tube gear to keep his shroom compost warm.
  2. R

    Why does Cannabis make music sound way more detailed and hundreds of times more enjoyable?

    I live in Colorado. I'd say it's a mixed bag. I'm not opposed to legalization and I still enjoy the occasional pull, so I'm not a party downer. However, it's not all positive. I think the near complete acceptance in young people that chronic use is either non consequential or "healthy" is...
  3. R

    Rock music is Dead? (Spoiler: No)

    My home venue! They have been playing three nights at Red Rocks the last few years. Back this year I believe. This 58 year old man has gone to a few and its a joy to see a crowd of mostly under 30 appreciate this jam type genre. They span some elements from straight rock to blues, to jazz. These...
  4. R

    Review of $4000 Revel 126be vs. $350 Wharefdale.

    Yes, I'm a Revel owner so inherently biased to protect my purchasing decision. I get that, but please... If you think the two speakers are comparable in performance, I've got land for sale. Everything is missing here in evaluation except a FR plot of which we have no other controls to...
  5. R

    Review of $4000 Revel 126be vs. $350 Wharefdale.

    Oops, thanks. Driver quality, distortion vs. output, woofer excursion, cabinet size, etc. count for something for sure.. I bought the 228Be's used on a great price, but I'd agree the bookshelves are pricey. Heck, the tower line is pricey but the build quality and performance are better than many...
  6. R

    Review of $4000 Revel 126be vs. $350 Wharefdale.

    I couldn't resist.. I own a tower version of the Revel be line of which I'm continously happy with, but maybe I could have saved lots of money, bought a cheap speaker of a 10th the price, and with a few mods, brought it right up to the Revel level, or better. I'm not sure I'd want my "$20"...
  7. R

    Snake Oil Department, Top This

    Check it out. Sweet wall outlet that completely fixes mid-range suckout. Probably need the EMI rejecting aluminum faceplate to get the full effect. And, of course there's the 600$ power cord to complete the trifecta.
  8. R

    Synergistic Research apparently at "war" against Gene from Audioholics

    The pendulum always swings, it seems. With DAs across the country prosecuting fewer and fewer crimes, and a loud social movement to limit law enforcement, its my view we're in for a bit of a ride the next few years. Its simple "physics", the less you enforce the more you get. I think it will...
  9. R

    Magnetic field observations from power cables

    Interesting.. I have a minidsp SHD. Its dead quiet all around, though there is some very faint hiss. Have to put my ear right on tweeter to hear it. I'm thinking most all components have at least some perceptibly faint audible noise floor.. though I don't know that for sure. Isn't hum almost...
  10. R

    Listening Chair

    Sigh... sometimes it's best to move on. Moderator is right.. Sal, I like your chair!
  11. R

    Magnetic field observations from power cables

    Isn't this really the bottom line? I ask that in sincerity. We hear so much marketing and snake oil hype about EMI, but is it not true that if you have everything connected, even the volume cranked up, and you pause your source, that if you hear no audible hum with your ear up to the speaker...
  12. R

    Listening Chair

    Yeah, not really. Feeding 9 billion people is a driver whether it's plants or meat. The meat industry is prone to veganazis and anti-capitalists on ideological grounds and since everything, including a damn listening chair is political, that's why it's on topic always everywhere. Sigh.. Leather...
  13. R

    Leave it on all the time, or turn it off?

    I live in a high-lightening area in Colorado, I often unplug from the wall when weather is expected. That seems like a solid idea.
  14. R

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    Pass the molasses.
  15. R

    Leave it on all the time, or turn it off?

    I taught my kids that too, that's why every light in the house is still on when they leave.
  16. R

    Leave it on all the time, or turn it off?

    That's ITs answer for everything and why they make big bucks.
  17. R

    Leave it on all the time, or turn it off?

    Do you think the guy who wanted $2500 to rebuild my 30 year old amp was full of it when he said his amp was on for five years straight until he cleaned his carpet? I got a whiff of BS on that, and probably a whiff of his nasty azz carpet too..
  18. R

    Leave it on all the time, or turn it off?

    ..guess the answer is don't post a question on ASR on Friday afternoon. I've just turned it off, now what?
  19. R

    Leave it on all the time, or turn it off?

    Going back to some of my first pieces of audio gear, the salesperson or shop would often say, "leave it turned on all the time", as it supposedly lessened wear and tear by eliminating the warm/cool cycle. Just recently considered rebuilding an older A/B amp and was told to never shut it off. "I...
  20. R

    Synergistic Research apparently at "war" against Gene from Audioholics

    I agree with you in principle, however, I think it's important when an ally in objective reviewing and a pretty solid source of good information gets attacked, that the common sense audio community take notice, and even rally to the defense. Audioholics was the first source for me, some years...
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