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  1. Grumple

    EQ Software for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS/iPadOS and Android.

    Great list! But, I seem to be having an issue that maybe someone can help with? The Equalizer APO seems to introduce something akin to "pumping". It's very irritating, because the sound is very appealing but there seems to be some amplitude variation? that is driving me mad. I don't think I'm...
  2. Grumple

    Excuse me while I kiss this guy......what is a mondegreen?

    I don't think I can stop now, "Music Reach 1,2,3,4" by The Prodigy, the sample is "makes me want to shout". But, it's clearly another word that begins in sh, and ends in t! Given my Experience ;) with the chemicals associated with the scene, it always made me want to sh*t.
  3. Grumple

    Excuse me while I kiss this guy......what is a mondegreen?

    Touched for the thirty-first time! All the lols, reminds me of that joke about having sex with thirty nine year olds!
  4. Grumple

    Excuse me while I kiss this guy......what is a mondegreen?

    In the Happy Mondays song Kinky Affro, Sean Ryder sings "You come around here, and you put both your feet in", but it sounds like he says "You come around here with your butt f*****g feelings".
  5. Grumple

    Measurements & What We Hear?

    Careful now
  6. Grumple

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    You haven't forgotten anything because you have misconstrued what people are saying. Nobody (well nobody who should be taken seriously) is saying that person X does not hear a difference. We can all "hear" a difference. The point is your, mine, their hearing is flawed and easily mistaken. So...
  7. Grumple

    DIY Phono Pre Suggestions

    Good day all. Pretty self-explanatory really, any suggestions for an acceptable DIY phono stage? I tried to order the Muffsy kit but alas, Brexit/Covid related issues mean they aren't sending them to the UK. Preferably nothing requiring proper engineering prowess, as this is one of many areas...
  8. Grumple

    Excuse me while I kiss this guy......what is a mondegreen?

    This is the classic English comedic example, surprised no one posted it yet!
  9. Grumple

    Who are you??

    I've been away for a while so sorry for reviving an old thread, if anyone cares. I'm just in the process of desgining (picking other peoples components to put together) my "end game" Mega Pre. Using various kits that other people have designed it will be a streamer/pre with phono stage, VU...
  10. Grumple

    AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt Review (Portable Headphone Adapter)

    He maybe gets paid for producing infomercials?
  11. Grumple

    MQA Deep Dive - I published music on tidal to test MQA

    I'm not ok with it and never suggested I was you maybe have me confused with someone else. I'm not an expert in the matter so rely on others to provide information. In this instance the discussion is about MQA, and regardless of the technical details of theirs or others codecs, MQA are plain...
  12. Grumple

    MQA Deep Dive - I published music on tidal to test MQA

    This is not a logical reasoning. The just of this argument seems to be, You didn't ever complain about X so you have no right to complain about Y. So much for learning from the past and trying to avoid previous mistakes.
  13. Grumple

    MQA Deep Dive - I published music on tidal to test MQA

    If MQA had named their business, Lossy but Clever Codec then fine. They could have demonstrated the niche benefit and that would have been the end of it. But they didn't, they chose a deliberately misleading name and they set out to take people's money through deception. Unacceptable.
  14. Grumple

    What headphones would you like Amir to measure next?

    +1 For Monolith 1060. I have a pair and think they're great but something objective would be good! I'm in the UK though so in not going to be the one to send them!
  15. Grumple

    Synergistic Research apparently at "war" against Gene from Audioholics

    Indeed. My main motivation for being a historian! Definitely things are different these days, but I'm far from convinced that they are that different. For instance people have been disappearing off to far flung places of the world specifically to set up communities of like minded people for...
  16. Grumple

    Synergistic Research apparently at "war" against Gene from Audioholics

    People have always done that. It isn't a new phenomenon caused by the internet, it is an inherent part of being a person. The internet just allows other people to witness this behaviour more readily. And then when they witness said behaviour they blame it on the internet.
  17. Grumple

    MQA Deep Dive - I published music on tidal to test MQA

    It isn't misinformation to call out MQA for their dodgy marketing and their misleading name. They are clearly trying to decieve people. Why would anyone defend that practice? Your stance on this subject is baffling.
  18. Grumple

    MQA Deep Dive - I published music on tidal to test MQA

    And btw, thank you to @amirm for taking the time to respond to everybody. Very much appreciated.
  19. Grumple

    MQA Deep Dive - I published music on tidal to test MQA

    I am not an Apple customer and if I have any choice in the matter never will be. I cannot disagree with anything you've put forward here. What I do dislike is the marketing which MQA use to sell their product, it may well be excellent but, it is marketed in a highly problematic fashion. The...
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