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  1. Z

    Topping E2x2 Audio Interface Review

    I don't have either but am looking for a new interface, just on IO and controls alone the M4 would crush the E4X4 for me. The advantage for the Topping would be if you needed 4 48v XLR. Another option is the Volt 276 which is on sale right now
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    I was using my D50 original with power from an Apple usb power plug and it seemed to work well. Should one of these work like the one you have by Topping? I assume there aren't too many comparable chips around and it is about implementation/branding. I'm seeing many variations using an Adum...
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    Can someone summarize in layman's terms the safety and quality of the EHA5 as opposed to something in the same ballpark like the newer Stax SR-270 (seems to replace SRM-252S)? I' m not sure if there are other sub-1000 new options or whether the 270 is meaningfully different from 252S which is...
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    Versatile IEM target

    Older thread, and maybe I missed a follower, but how would we try out the "versatile target"? Squig a known IEM to the Mega5EST or Subtonic Storm? Is this essentially the same as what people now call "the new meta" (the worst possible naming scheme)?
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    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    I found on these that the wide bore option was required for me to get a proper sound, at first I thought it was a smaller difference but it became more obvious to where they sound like different models entirely. This brought me more into tip rolling, which I never wanted anything to do with, but...
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    In this case the death of the D50 was my fault - I got distracted while rerouting wiring and holding power cables I thought were very different, which it turned out were only different in their polarity, so I basically fed a 12V 1.5A center negative into the Topping which used a 5V 1A center...
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    Can I borrow your recommendation? Yesterday my OG D50 died and took my THX789 with it. This opens up a window to upgrade two systems so I only have to research once. A) Computer - USB - DAC/THX789 - RCA - Sub/Speakers. Equalizer APO. B) Home Theater - SPDIF/RCA/HDMI eARC (unsure on eARC for...
  8. Z

    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    Do I understand correctly that I could save say 3 PEQs for my most used headphones and switch them and no EQ from the device itself instead of relying on a phone, pc, or web app? How well does it handle IEMs?
  9. Z

    Motu M4 Audio Interface Review

    Does it make sense to pair this with a regular headphone amp to the line out for both its intended purpose or use as just a audiophile DAC? Like a THX789, A50iii etc.? Is there a 0-latency way to add crossfeed?
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    New Sennheiser pads measured.

    Hey dude, I have a number of headphones but was thinking of getting one of my Sennheisers back in action and selling/gifting the other. I will use them also for mixing, but they are a backup to my primary (LCD2 classic + EQ) for when I don't have EQ (like out of my Maschine+ or other synth...
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    Motu M4 Audio Interface Review

    Looking forward to using this as my interface and not have to worry myself about the headphone out as long as it is loud enough
  12. Z

    Stax SR-009S Electrostatic Headphone Review

    Is this a pro or con for the EHA5? Thinking about picking it up on sale or waiting for STAX SRM-D10 II
  13. Z

    Moondrop May USB-C Headphones Review

    Since you have both, can you give a more in-depth comparison for the Zero Red? I like how they sound but the fit is a bit annoying.
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    Looks like it is on sale down to $339 from $399, is this likely a noticeable upgrade from a Stax SRM-252S? I mostly use a L300 Limited and can't really see myself upgrading from it unless something major changes (like an 007mk2 for half price). I do have to use most of the available power from...
  15. Z

    New Sony ES 8K AV Receiver Line STR-AZ7000ES STR-AZ5000ES STR-AZ3000ES STR-AZ1000ES

    How does the STR-AN1000 with Digital Cinema Auto Calibration IX, $600 on sale, compare to the Onkyo TX-NR7100 with Dirac Live, at $650 on sale, or anything else in the price range? I am looking to replace a TX-NR656 mostly to get better room correction and secondarily to get the latest HDMI...
  16. Z

    Stax SR-009S Electrostatic Headphone Review

    See if you can listen to what used to be the Stax 3100 system - a 252s energizer and L300. The 300 is a little bright and the 252s slightly underpowered with EQ, but the L300 can be improved with L500/L700 pads and a quick blue-tac mod adds back a lot of bass. To me they make excellent...
  17. Z

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    Has anyone tried equalizing the Crinacle Zero Red to be the Blue, or vice versa? It seems like it could be a fun version of "Will X sound like Y with the right EQ?". I have both on hand but I'm not skilled at EQ design. I found these two AutoEQ parametrics, which would theoretically bring them...
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    Audio-technica M20x Headphone Review

    At least one of them is wrong
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    Loxjie D40 Pro DAC & HP Amp Review

    Is there anything in the same realm that can also use stereo RCA inputs?
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    SMSL DO300 DAC Review

    I wish they would take this performance and add features to rival an RME ADI-2, it has been years and that device is still without direct competition
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