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  1. oozlum

    I like pop music with effects and very dynamic female voices

    As already mentioned, Roisin Murphy from Moloko and Bjork are both good tips but my reply would be not so well known Laurie Mayer from Torch Song. I just love the combination of her voice acrobatics and 1980’s synth-pop fx melange. Give it a listen.
  2. oozlum

    Kali Audio IN-8v2 (Second Wave) 3-Way Studio Monitor Review

    Look for some advices how to interpret meassurements data on ‘Audio Science Review’ youtube channel. Some of them are included in text reviews to watch before reading into reviews further. Hope this helps.
  3. oozlum

    Kali Audio IN-8 Studio Monitor Review

    Unlikely. “My one criticism of the IN‑5 is that it shows a degree of coloration towards the lower end of the midrange, and that I suspect is associated with its unbraced and not massively rigid MDF cabinet. The slightly mid‑emphasised tonal balance actually helps to mask the coloration to some...
  4. oozlum

    Poll: Audio Science Review in the World (2024)

    Prague, Czech republic
  5. oozlum

    AI and Future of Music Production

    I just finished reading this interesting article that might stimulate this thread in a more broader consumer shorter time span. The pricing dilution (different customer, different price) is imo very later Susvara 6K usd headphone review related. I hope this post sits well in this thread.
  6. oozlum

    Juson Audio JTA35 Tube Amplifier, DAC & HP Amp Review

    What was the more expensive tube amplifier? As far as more pricy tube amplifiers I’ve listened to, it would be cool to see Octave tube amplifiers measured/listened to here.
  7. oozlum

    What budget speakers you like to see reviewed?

    S-300 would be very interesting to see tested by ASR. Perhaps the connection to the amp (and the use of passive xover) can make this to the front page easily.
  8. oozlum

    What budget speakers you like to see reviewed?

    AIAIAI audio almost touches lifestyle territorries for younger demographics that are interested in design and comfort of use. You pay the price for that (think teenager engineering) but I doubt it can be compared to Genelec audio quality approach.
  9. oozlum

    Extreme Snake Oil

    Ignore this post when no politics are allowed in this thread. When snake oil infiltrates into Indenpendence Day speech (India).
  10. oozlum

    WTB: RME ADI-2 Pro ( EU )

    Hi, I suggest to check out the latest post in ‘(Europe) Master Deals Thread on Audio Product Sales’ thread.
  11. oozlum

    Topping A70 Pro HP & Preamp Review

    I know. What I meant that meassurements data are the same although you write “RCA input this time did cost us a bit as it normally does” (see attached picture):
  12. oozlum

    Topping A70 Pro HP & Preamp Review

    @amirm , Is RCA input really the same compared to XLR in ‘Topping A70 Pro Headphone Amplifier Measurements’ section of your review?
  13. oozlum

    $30K Budget - On the quest for my "end game" speaker

    Can you please elaborate more toward this?
  14. oozlum

    Neumann MT 48

    As @192kbps already mentioned: Merging Anubis like Sound on Sound Merging Anubis review
  15. oozlum

    Neumann KH 310A Review (Powered Monitor)

    Does someone has an experience with operating speakers in higher than recommended temperatures? (I’m aware of Amir’s low temperature Neumann KH 80 measurements.)
  16. oozlum

    Could ChatGPT Replace Audio Writers?

    I asked two different audio/music-related questions that are (kind of) labor-intensive but chatGPT couldn’t answer. I can understand why but I still tried to have a hope it could. Well it did but in a way this might be possible in its future iterations (or not).
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