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  1. NeoZs99

    JCALLY JM20 Headphone Dongle Review

    I bought one because I needed a 3.55 jack for my phone.. Curious if it could power the hd650 maybe?
  2. NeoZs99

    JBL Endurance Run 2 Wired IEM Review

    Anyone in the US who'd be willing to ship internationally please?
  3. NeoZs99

    Legal fund for Reviewers/Erin?

    To be fair in his review those speakers seemed to be alright.. What a shitshow from Tekton, but it ain't the first time. Long ago they apparently made reviewers sign an NDA to get measurements, etc. Then there was the Tekton Lore :facepalm...
  4. NeoZs99

    Fosi Audio SK02 DAC & HP Amp Review

    Nice. I was about to purchase the previous version. It seems it has lost the Bass and Treble knobs, but as long it measures better overall..
  5. NeoZs99

    Best low budget active bookshelf speakers for FUN low end freqs listening?

    Get any decent measuring bookshelves..add a sub later
  6. NeoZs99

    Poll: Audio Science Review in the World (2024)

    Sorry for replying you this late.. This is Mauritius
  7. NeoZs99

    Poll: Audio Science Review in the World (2024)

    0.4%..Proud to be from Africa :)
  8. NeoZs99

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    What do you mean by "power cycled"? Sorry English isn't my native language
  9. NeoZs99

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Alright I had a hard disk backup where I was able to retrieve both an earlier version of the MA1 and my measurements. When you update to the latest firmware (1.7) , I guess it changes the measurement/alignment .json files in some way where you can't use them on an earlier firmware (on mine...
  10. NeoZs99

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Thank you.. Also is there anyone on 1.8 beta by any chance?
  11. NeoZs99

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    I updated to the latest version and well I regret it now. Whenever I try to edit an alignment, it's stuck on the "Initializing algorithm alignment window..". My sub is disabled too. Should I revert to an earlier version of the MA 1? Also how could I still save my measurements for windows while...
  12. NeoZs99

    Blind Listening Test 2: Neumann KH 80 vs JBL 305p MkII vs Edifier R1280T vs RCF Arya Pro5

    I still got mine.. While I no more use it, I'm still fond of it. My first proper bookshelves
  13. NeoZs99

    Sony Xperia 5 IV Audio Review

    I have some fond memories of my Sony Walkman w800i.. The LG phones can still be had for cheap, but no security updates,etc
  14. NeoZs99

    Andrew Jones MoFi Speakers

    Should have been active at this point chief..
  15. NeoZs99

    Genelecs for home audio?

    I second this. Try the Neumann KH310 maybe..?
  16. NeoZs99

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    What do you mean connecting the KH750 directly to the conputer? Thanks a lot mate. On a side note, the ability for re alignment without re going through all the measurements is god sent..
  17. NeoZs99

    New Neumann MA 1 - Automatic Monitor Alignment

    Brain fart moment. How do I change the "Left" position of the sub to "Right".. Does it even matter? Help please
  18. NeoZs99

    Anybody PREFER listening to music on bookshelves or tower speakers only (without the subwoofer)?

    Subs can be a pain in the ass to integrate in the system unless you have some form of active room correction or measurements.
  19. NeoZs99


    SVS in France is quite a bit more expensive. I inquired an SB3000 at Son et Video, and for the price it wasn't worth it, though maybe now it has changed. Maybe checkout Arendal too, which I have never heard but saw some quite good reviews
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