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    Shure SE535 Limited IEM Review

    Started with the se315 which I lost moved to se425 and then upgraded to the se846 after it came clear that if I want bass I need that. Made to the se846 a filter modification and now I'm happy. I went with Shure since the first ones were a good fit to me I didn't want risk to much on that amount...
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    Question for BACCH4Mac users

    I'm sitting 3.5m away. The camera has "Infra red" mode. This is why it works in the dark and this is why I bought it. The problem with the camera is the switching noise when moving from one mode to the other. Also the quality is not top notch,the camera isnt center correctly in its housing.
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    Anthem STR pre-amp

    You haven't missed anything. The only thing that makes the setup manageable is the macros on the smart remote.
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    Anthem STR pre-amp

    Just one thing. They both are on when listening to music not the tv/movies due to the bypass.
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    Question for BACCH4Mac users

    Im using "ELP Sony IMX323 Sensor Mini Night Vision Dome". I wanted somthing that will work in the dark. I would not call it fast. Please post in the end what you have choosen.
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    Anthem STR pre-amp

    I had a similar dilemma and I reached out to Anthem support about this. They claim there is no protection on the trigger outlet, so Y splitter isn't a good idea. I wasn't able to get an answer for that from my AVR manufacturer. I also reached out to a known audio equipment repair man in my area...
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    BACCH4Mac "Absolute Sounds Product of the Year 2024"

    Didn't have time yet to re-measure, but I Imported existing configuration and now I have the old reflection points. I assumed that when I'm upgrading the software the data is migrated also and with fine changes to the algorithm the plot changes with this migration. Does someone knows what XTC...
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    BACCH4Mac "Absolute Sounds Product of the Year 2024"

    I'll re-measure in the near future. I remember having a reflection point in the IR filter (added a carpet since then). I also need to re-measure because of the camera position going out of sync anyway. Maybe it was reset somehow when I updated the software. The avg XTC should be lower or Higher...
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    BACCH4Mac "Absolute Sounds Product of the Year 2024"

    I have Sonus Faber Olympica Nova III. Thinking about ORC, but I have Anthem ARC already and it isn't cheep. Regarding XTC, I'm not sure what you're expecting so: My problem with finding a track is that usually I'm just playing a shuffled playlist of 2800 tracks. I went through some tracks I...
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    BACCH4Mac "Absolute Sounds Product of the Year 2024"

    Personally, I like the effect of the crossover cancellation of BACCH a lot. It is the most expensive part of my system which I bought without listening first. So, you can take my general positive opinion with a grain of salt, due to the possibility of conformation bias. The sound is more spread...
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    Sabaj A20d 2023 DAC & HP Amp Review

    I understand the need to pursue good engineering but I do think that putting it above all other design goals, considering that most home noise floor is way above these numbers, can be a hindrance. Where is the trigger. Topping and the likes understood and introduced this feature in latest...
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    Neutrik NA2M-D2B-Tx balancing transformer adapter review

    Hi, I'm hoping the educated people here can help me to understand, since the second part otf this thread caused me a little panic. I have bought the Neutrik NA2M (partly because of this review) and I'm trying to understand is my equipment in danger. I have a Marantz sr7013 connected to a Anthem...
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    Anthem STR pre-amp

    One of the reasons I wanted the STR pre was because of it's HT pass-through. It it also connected to an AVR. The AVR causes pops when powering on but the STR pre doesn't. I think it because of electronics, balanced vs unbalanced or buffering (capacitors) in the AVR.
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