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  1. bidn

    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    Indeed, you are quite right. Dekoni provides measurements on their site for their pads with the FR curve of the original earpads on the same graph : there are some differences, but not much, and in any case the FR by Hifiman have some issues, the worse for me being the recession in the presence...
  2. bidn

    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    I don't know much about services by other manufacturers for a nice reason: I own many headphones and in-ears from many other manufacturers, and except for the Audeze LCD-i4 in-ear I have never had something defective from these other manufacturers (my Audeze i4 had a defective driver right from...
  3. bidn

    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    I agree with you that the price of the Susvara is a rip-off. And the more so when taking into account its very poor manufacturing quality. I remember that, when I was following the Susvara thread on Head-Fi years ago, I read about several persons reporting that the earpads of their Susvara had...
  4. bidn

    Hifiman Ananda Stealth V2 Headphone Review

    Brubaker, you are making very important points! I have the following personal evidence to share, to illustrate your points about the unacceptable quality of Hifiman materials. I purchased and still own these five Hifiman headphones (they came with protein, fake leather earpads) - HE6SE -...
  5. bidn

    Sony MDR-Z1R Headphone Review

    I fully agree with you, this so poorly performing (yet so expensive!!) headphone was clearly a no-go for me. I also think that this can be an excellent headphone for people like many of those subjectivists at Head-Fi who rate headphones depending: - on their price (the more expensive the...
  6. bidn


    Thank you so much for taking time to debunk this very expensive fraud, Amir! So, now I am looking for the right meaning of the acronym "JPS". I am starting with the following: JPS = Junk Parasitic Swindle... or Junk Parasitic Snake-oil... (and specifically for the power cable: Junk Power...
  7. bidn

    Monoprice DAC & Amp Dongle Review

    Maybe a better name would have been: Monocrap?
  8. bidn

    Pass Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amp Review

    If a car has a maximum speed of 10 km/h (or 6 mph), a maximum autonomy of 20 km (12 miles) and so on for all its performance, do you need to test drive it to know it is a piece of utter junk? And in addition when that garbage car is twenty times more expensive than very well performing cars...?
  9. bidn

    Pass Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amp Review

    This PASS logo means: PA$$ me your big bucks, you audiophile sucker!
  10. bidn

    Pass Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amp Review

    Thank you so much, Amir, for debunking this expensive, heavy piece of ultimate junk. (BTW I hope your removal to another place is going fine). How should we decipher the HPA acronym of the present expensive scam? I suggest: Hoax and Pain in the Ass.
  11. bidn

    CHORD M-Scaler Review (Upsampler)

    If you could find the time to write numerous and lengthy posts here, and to publish videos, and Watts has time to be filmed and to write these days many posts at Head-Fi, some being lengthy, all of this to try defusing the debunking of the present expensive device, then you will certainly be...
  12. bidn

    CHORD M-Scaler Review (Upsampler)

    Thank you for the link and the paraphrase. What I understand is that such professional reviewers get most of their income from the companies paying them for positive reviews. When a bad product or a scam gets factually debunked, I understand that these companies will also pay professional...
  13. bidn

    Chord DAVE Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    If you were truly an electrical Engineer working in audio, - Why did you spell the word algorithm many times, and each time, "algorythm" ?? Not only no engineer, but no person a bit technically knowledgeable would do that. - Why do you make so many technically wrong statements? ( I know you...
  14. bidn

    Chord DAVE Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    Thank you very much, Amir, for your excellent, much needed corrective work in the ocean corrupted by all the paid reviews, paid forums, and influencers who get these expensive devices for free (high resale value). This is the test I had been waiting for all the time!! I was always hoping for...
  15. bidn

    CHORD M-Scaler Review (Upsampler)

    I agree with those who said that Rob Watts lied when he stated that he hadn't read the review. Also he quite knowingly rehash a lot of bogus in that awful video. There was a discussion (I think it was in the Hugo 2 thread?) and a consensus coming down to two possibilities : 1. Either he is a a...
  16. bidn

    CHORD M-Scaler Review (Upsampler)

    Hi Chester, you are free not to follow this thread. What if other people have a different interest? Personally, I was active on Head-Fi before slowly "moving" to ASR, and, while on Head-Fi, I was influenced (I might say "deceived") by all the praise for Chord products, to the point of being...
  17. bidn

    CHORD M-Scaler Review (Upsampler)

    Thank you, I am not the one who made the corresponding SPL calculation. Do you think that a difference of one bit at -300 dB would give something which could be heard by a human with headphones (I understood he uses headphones)?
  18. bidn

    Chord Hugo 2 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    This is a good point, but why does Watts then take time to refute things like MQA and DSD? I actually find MQA even crazier. Watts seems to answer many posts. I expect him to care about his reputation, that recurring quote about him supporting the vibration craze for all his devices is like a...
  19. bidn

    Chord Hugo 2 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    I am sorry I did not explain the context, I thought people would check the links I had included. So I hope that quoting an excerpt from the beginning of the first post I linked from Head-Fi can help to illustrate the recurring situation of some Chord fans burning a lot of money on various...
  20. bidn

    Chord Hugo 2 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    Dear Ken, Before writing too quickly, please: - Re-read my post, I precisely explained that I was quoting someone who often used this quote by Watts (on thread where he is active), this is why I asked ASR members for more. BTW, another (third) occurence here...
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