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  1. H

    ZMF Caldera Headphone Review

    I owned it for a couple of months and compared it extensively with the Focal Stellia, which was the one I kept in the end. Reasons were partly based on practical considerations, since the Focal worked better with my DAP, which was my preferred usage scenario for a closed headphone. The VC...
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    ZMF Caldera Headphone Review
  3. H

    ZMF Caldera Headphone Review

    The tc was just an example, can be used for other headphones as well, such as the Sennheiser hd820 (which btw is excellent as is and super easy to eq but that’s a different story). In any case, each to their own, just my opinion.
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    ZMF Caldera Headphone Review

    Well, first of all, I liked Zach when I met him and I respect his work. I also owned the VC and spent 3k+ on it. But see this review alone, the measurements are off and eq is recommended. Nobody seems to mind the slightest. When Amir measured Abyss, people called it a joke and what crap it is...
  5. H

    Sennheiser HD 820 Review (headphone)

    This headphone was and is consistently ranked at the bottom, by some reviewers worst tier 134 out of 137. Yet, I own and greatly enjoy it … more than the highest ranking ones. It is super comfortable, the perfect headphone for media and gaming with its huge soundstage plus bass reponse and is as...
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    ZMF Caldera Headphone Review

    The headphone community is very critical of certain, if not all headphone companies except ZMF, which by now operates in a very high price range. What am I missing?
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    Sony MDR-Z1R Headphone Review

    I owned the Z1R some years ago and hated them, that 3k spike really ruined it for me. Or whatever I was told not to like. Bassy and a bit like through a tin at the same time, weird, in comparison to my other hp. Very recently, I missed their comfort and feel and repurchased. At the same time, I...
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    Comfortable alternative to Focal Utopia

    No, it doesn't slide at all, at least on my head. But these things are of course very individual (I found the Utopia's clamp force too hard, for example)
  9. H

    Comfortable alternative to Focal Utopia

    I owned the Utopia and also the Sennheiser mentioned here, and I’d recommend the Meze Elite. Great sound and comfort and build quality.
  10. H

    The most overrated and underrated headphone you tried?

    Most overrated: ZMF Verite Closed. Hard to drive, and I preferred my Stellia for general use (I owned them at the same time). Underrated (on ASR at least): Abyss AB-1266 TC. Amir gave it a golfing panda (well, with eq) which still doesn't seem to redeem the headphone and help much in the eyes...
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    Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC Review (Headphone)

    So, here is what i find on this site (more specifically, in the comments since Amir does mention it) insufficiently reflected- the presentation each headphone will give. I owned 4 of the headphones listed above, and 3 were recommended after eq, and one even without (Utopia). But they all are...
  12. H

    Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC Review (Headphone)

    Cannot follow most of this: - manufacturer says quite literally that the headphone is not complete without 3000$ cable that is almost impossible to use Yepp, over the top marketing and too expensive. The cable is flexible and nice to handle, imo. - poor voicing and engineering Poor voicing...
  13. H

    Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC Review (Headphone)

    And here is exactly the point - what the hell is SO bad with the ab-1266tc that it warrants this endless shitstorm? ALL people who do this never owned it, most owners are happy, and the ones who sold it where mostly - in my experience - put off by comfort and listening preferences and not the sound.
  14. H

    Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC Review (Headphone)

    This discussion is really bizarre. So let me summarize. 1. Amir wrote a fantastic review, which says the ab-1266tc doesn't measure that great (therefore headless panther), but sounds good once eq-ed bringing some unique aspects to the table which can be called "fun sound" (hence the golfing...
  15. H

    Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC Review (Headphone)

    Thanks, Amir for this objective and well written review! I also really appreciate the eq settings. Replacing the rather drastic -11 with -2.5 on band 5 serves me better, but it is very inspiring!
  16. H

    FS Dunu Luna "reviewer's version" (50% of MSRP)

    For sale is a Dunu Luna "reviewer's version" which includes the Dunu Luna IEM (d'uh), the Luna cable with all adapters (2.5 bal, 3.5 SE, 3.5 bal, 4.4 bal, 6.4 SE), all the tips and the case. Dunu shipped this version to reviewers, and did not include the 5lb gigantic box (and some of its...
  17. H

    The most overrated and underrated headphone you tried?

    Actually, they sound more than pretty decent. They are great but do stuff differently. I can only suspect that people come from their super bright headphones to the Empy and think ... no detail. But it is all there ... one just needs to look out for it.
  18. H

    The most overrated and underrated headphone you tried?

    Can I recheck the reaction to the Empyrean ? - I found it REALLY good sounding, fatigue-free, relaxing, resolving but not annoying (you need to look out for it), with a nice, deep going bass. But I cannot access it due to Covid for more than a year - am I idealizing here?
  19. H

    The most overrated and underrated headphone you tried?

    OK, here my experiences: Disaster zone: - Grado GS1000e - Not an audiophile headphone but a tonal disaster - Sony Z1R - nice build quality and comfort, but whacky tuning out of line with a product in that price range Overrated: - ZMF Verite Closed: Zach is great to deal with, and I really...
  20. H

    Focal Celestee FR impressions

    Well, the headphone I am currently listening to got a D from him (and I really enjoy it), so ...
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