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  1. S

    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    Amplifiers respond to input signal , if the input signal is substantially less than the sensitivity manufacturers state, ( being only 0.316V RMS from conventional sources, which is the media being played restricting , and not the devices capability ), then figures of output power are also...
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    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    But the Topping like all amplifiers responds to input signal, which is not being measured properly.
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    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    To give meaning the measurement of sensitivity for amplifiers, is usually stated as voltage Root Mean Square (V RMS ) , similarly a check of level of media using conventional source using Audacity can allow visualization of RMS, distinct from Peak Here is a graph of Mike Oldfields Amarok...
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    Topping LA90 Discrete Amplifier Review

    But conventional sources don't output 2V when playing conventional media,which includes streaming, rather is typically 6.32 times less. Before a thousand replies, the media controls the output level, and the media level which is 6.32 less than 2V is not the equipment capability. But if input...
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    Audio levels and testing Passive Volume Controls

    Yes measuring passives is entirely different to other devices, and it therefore just like measuring speakers with different parameters to amplifiers, has to be done differently to assess that device as an attenuator, and not as something else. The machines may hover but the typical CD we...
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    Audio levels and testing Passive Volume Controls

    Agreed, the pot itself in such a circuit has a output impedance of 2500 ohm, and certainly lower impedance can be achieved relative to the source by changing resistance level toward the source, but would then not be an expression of the actual pots output impedance.
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    Audio levels and testing Passive Volume Controls

    Unrelated to the signal and only considering the passive resistances formed, the stated output impedance of a passive is where series and shunt resistances meet each other.
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    Audio levels and testing Passive Volume Controls

    More easily expressed is where the shunt resistance and series resistance meet each other. This is not necessarily at half volume so needs to be checked by measuring resistance, output to signal ground for the shunt, and input to output for series.
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    Audio levels and testing Passive Volume Controls

    The RMS figure in audacity is the light blue trace vs dark blue as peaks
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    Audio levels and testing Passive Volume Controls

    There seems to be incorrect procedure when measuring passive attenuators at ASR. In the recent review here : we see " It performed really well in passive mode, providing fully transparency...
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    Schiit Freya S Preamplifier Review 2

    Can you comment on why you choose to use maximum volume sweeps, and not lower volume settings that are indicative of actual use ? Do you agree ( or can you see ) that testing a passive at maximum volume, test's very little other than the devices wiring, as it is exhibiting close to zero...
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    Schiit Freya S Preamplifier Review 2

    You are right "The numerical level of the piece will be transferred on the CD as is " is of course being quite hopeful and ambitious to capture the available dynamics of the piece, as it will in 99% of cases be less.
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    Schiit Freya S Preamplifier Review 2

    The DAC's may well aspire to that level, but a typical commercial release CD does not have digital information encoded on it, to ever attain such levels. It is detailed here and worded with reference to the Red Book standard - as...
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    Schiit Freya S Preamplifier Review 2

    No NOT the potential capability of the player, quite differently we need to know what level a typical CD actually attains. Can you see the difference ?
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    Schiit Freya S Preamplifier Review 2

    But in passive mode - again it was not properly tested ? Running a passive at maximum volume tests very little other than internal cabling. It is also a unrealistic test, as very few end users use anywhere near full volume in every day use. You need to run a passive at a number of...
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    "Measurement data are one thing, and audio quality is another. "

    As long as the parameters of measurement end up reflecting every day use, rather than outright abusive testing which serves no purpose. Some nice examples would be a set piece of music say Vangelis 1492 track 12, rather than alien waveforms we are likely never to hear.
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    Mental Health and Audio Perception/Enjoynment

    The self imposed ( certainly in some equipment ) limitation of 20khz is an interesting one to read about:
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    Mental Health and Audio Perception/Enjoynment

    My observation is your hifi habits need to include DIY - build a electronics kit or two, learn some new skills along the way, and proudly say - you did it.
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    "Measurement data are one thing, and audio quality is another. "

    When in collective brain fade, none appear aspired to even use their noses - let alone their ears .
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