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  1. N

    Budget DAC Review: behringer UMC204HD

    deaf, blind, and ignorant it is then. Thanks for confirming....
  2. N

    Budget DAC Review: behringer UMC204HD

    you must be deaf or blind, re read my post........
  3. N

    Budget DAC Review: behringer UMC204HD

    yes, going to test them with the same rig, same room
  4. N

    Budget DAC Review: behringer UMC204HD

    See, now that didnt answer my question at all now did it ? You wasted your time, and mine, by replying to my question with such a silly remark......If i want to know something about a product, it is indeed relevant to me. I would say in the future, if you dont have anything constructive to...
  5. N

    Budget DAC Review: behringer UMC204HD

    so, what chip do these beringers use? the cirrus chips still? i have a 404 hd in my small studio, and i swear it sounds better than the topping e 30 im trying out in my home theater, slash, music setup in the living room. im thinking about yanking it out of my studio room and a-b testing it...
  6. N

    project s2 box, lost 1 channel

    the actual headphone jack also is down on the right channel?
  7. N

    project s2 box, lost 1 channel

    seems to be crapping out on me, it has been rebooting itself of and on here lately, and now has lost the right channel...had it over 2 years , so im sure warranty is out. any ideas what to do?
  8. N

    presonus audiobox 44vsl

    thanks for that sir ! good find! whatever they got going on sounds good to this day
  9. N

    Review and Measurements of RME ADI-2 DAC

    you said that right...for 2 grand or more, a dac should come in at full fighting trim, primed and ready to go. i understand something that costs a hundred bucks or so saying this..
  10. N

    Review and Measurements of RME ADI-2 DAC

    because its marketing and over hyped im guessing...
  11. N

    presonus audiobox 44vsl

    anybody know what convertors they used in this unit ? reason im asking is i just did a quick comparison between my newly acquired project s2 box, and my modest little studio setup, with my several year old presonus 44vsl. headphone amp only. the headphone amp in the presonus , absolutely smokes...
  12. N

    Review and Measurements of RME ADI-2 DAC

    ive already got the s2 box...thats why im asking
  13. N

    Review and Measurements of RME ADI-2 DAC

    yep i know suprise here......more about chain flow, caps, power supply, analog output , etc just never heard what chip they were using. thanks for the info though
  14. N

    Review and Measurements of RME ADI-2 DAC

    will this sound better than the project s2 box ?
  15. N

    Review and Measurements of RME ADI-2 DAC

    what chip does this use ? single, or dual chip?
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