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  1. R

    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    New firmware (1.1.16) just dropped. Change log: - Flex-HT/HTx series support first added. - Future Beta releases support (as a new option in Settings) - Fixed a bug where the crossover frequency will unexpectedly change by 1-Hz after changing channel from context menu. - Output DSP Blocks color...
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    AV123 / GR Research X-Voce Speaker Review

    Oh man. Having been there for that era of Head-fi and having owned an RS Audio product (thankfully not one of the $$$$ ones), this gave me a good laugh.
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    KEF R3 Meta - Review & Measurements by Erin

    Ditto for my 2x SVS 3000 micro's.
  4. R

    Play multichannel FLAC files on my AVR

    You could get a mini PC and use that (together with Foobar/Roon/JRiver/etc.) to stream to your Denon via HDMI. Something like
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    Parts for Salon 2s?

    Great news! Glad you'll have your Salon's back in action soon. I know the pain of waiting for parts/support, and it's not a fun experience.
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    That's kind of my assumption, at least for most cases. Similar to "torch mode" for TVs, where the default brightness/contrast/saturation values are all boosted to make things "pop" upon first viewing, but look extremely artificial when viewed for any decent length of time. But I would also say...
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    This is a good point about TV's and audio. As a species, we're very much visually attuned, so I'd wager that it's much easier for the average person to discern and understand the difference between TVs and media formats (e.g., 480p DVD vs. 4k) than "normal" audio vs. higher-end audio. In that...
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    Oh man, so true. My 2-year old is especially a menace. Besides damaging the drivers, I'm a little concerned that he might try to stick stuff into the ports of my KEF R3's :facepalm:
  9. R

    A thought that could improve the acceptance of active speakers

    I like the idea, but PoE would still require "a" cable. You can achieve a similar sort of thing with a regular power cable and wireless audio transmission (WiSA etc.). My biggest hang up with active speakers, at least "audiophile" grade, is the ultimate reliability of the electronics. I had to...
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    I'm kind of there with you, but it's the normalized term for better or worse. Maybe we need something like "audio reproduction enthusiast" or "audio reproduction and science enthusiast" (ARSE) ;)
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    I prefer the term "audiofools" for that crowd ;)
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    With a two little kids under 6, grills are must for me :)
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    If I had to define "audiophile" I'd say something like: "Someone who cares about and is interested in accurate and quality audio reproduction" Its not necessarily correlated with specific types of gear, especially since this isn't a cheap hobby. Most of my friends just don't give a damn about...
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    That's awesome. My wife isn't a musician, but she does appreciate nice audio, so she puts up with my gear and obsessions.
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    How rare of a breed are we (audiophiles)?

    I've always wondered -- how rare are genuine audiophiles? Out of all of my close friends and acquaintances, I know of only 2 besides myself, one of which is my dad who got me started on the hobby. None of my close friends or coworkers are really into audio; they can appreciate it, and some even...
  16. R

    Parts for Salon 2s?

    FWIW, my experience with KEF support has been a good one, albeit not around long-term support. One of my kids damaged one of the woofers on my R7s and KEF sent me a a replacement woofer free of charge.
  17. R

    Ugliest component ever created

    I've never been a fan of MBL's electronics. To echo @jhaider they look like a pimped out Lexus.
  18. R

    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    I just got my SHD and enjoying it so far (yay, customizable crossovers and Dirac Live). One annoyance I wasn't expecting - they locked the display brightness settings down to extend the life of the OLED display, so you no longer have any control over brightness and how long it stays on. Boo!
  19. R

    "Pro" Active Speaker Aesthestics

    No doubt. That thing is a beast, would love to hear it a treated room.
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