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  1. W

    RG-8 11gauge Speaker Cable

    Amen to the PITA part. I have piles of 12 ga. around that I should just use i guess. I am just trying to create the highest quality possible within my budget. RG-8 is about the only fancy wire i can afford.
  2. W

    Strategy for Modern --simple Old School CD Stereo

    t90 is a very good idea, how low can you cross it at? I think I saw 5K.
  3. W

    Strategy for Modern --simple Old School CD Stereo

    Hi and thank you for your reply. I am in Oregon USA, and that is a great idea, i did look into the Radian Audio planer drivers the high end falls off, but then mine has too. 60 years of loud noise and machinery
  4. W

    Strategy for Modern --simple Old School CD Stereo

    I agree completely and thank you for the good advise
  5. W

    CD Player - Preamp - Digital Crossover - Quad Amps - Speakers Is this HI FI ???

    Does it take more or less to achieve HI FI?
  6. W

    Unbalanced vs Balanced Interconnects. Was I taught Wrong?

    Considering Interconnects What is the trade off. Transformers or Electronic Balancing Circuits (usually op amp) in line and the sound degradation inherent with balanced systems from those components, vs. long unbalanced RCA terminated cables. Lets assume the components are powered from the...
  7. W

    RG-8 11gauge Speaker Cable

    Has anyone tried RG-8 11 gauge cable for speaker wire? We used to use it back in the 80s . WE thought it sounded better than the Monster cable or Kimber cable that was available at the time. It is a little stiff, and a pain to terminate, but we swore by it. I'm afraid that I'm to deaf to...
  8. W

    Strategy for Modern --simple Old School CD Stereo

    I'm Interested in a simple and HIGH performance stereo system. I am retired and want to build my Dream system from my 60 year old point of view. I would like help choosing a tweeter. dome tweeters may not play loud enough without breaking up, but horn drivers don't sound as good to me. So I...
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