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  1. R

    Does Antonio Gallo Strada 2 somehow sounds like OB?!

    Thanks for your response. Todd. For " the pretty high" crossing there maybe is the solution in buying a Lingdorf TDAI amp witch can drive 2 subwoofers in stereo.( If those woofers are fast.) Now using one/single selfmade TL-like sub with 2 times "8 SB acoustics NRX drivers( can hear +- as low as...
  2. R

    Does Antonio Gallo Strada 2 somehow sounds like OB?!

    Hi there, Does someone ever heard the Antonio Gallo Strada 2 and also (for example) GR-research OTICA or NX studio, Spatial audio or Caladan?! ( unfortunately,for different reasons, I won't be able to build or buy these OB-speakers.) Question; Do the Strada's somehow give that "OB-experience...
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