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  1. D

    FOSI SK01 Review: Headphone amp + preamp with ample tone controls

    I think it is powered with 5V when plugged in. The red light, which means "battery charging", never lights on when it is constantly plugged. However, if I unplug and replug it instantly, it lights on. The fact that it never charges suggests that it runs directly via USB power.
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    Assessing gear without close comparisons

    We are quite good at perceiving differences between two closely compared audio perceptions. For example, when comparing two audio segments using the Harman program 'How to listen', Klippel distortion test, or any ABX test, I can confidently say that one segment has a dip in the midrange...
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    Center channel and bass

    I agree with your two explanations. I struggled to place my center channel speaker, and could not put it under the TV in a WAF compliant way. I had to put it in the TV furniture, in a far from ideal place (too low, not perfectly centered). If anything, I would not want it to be bigger... And...
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    FOSI SK01 Review: Headphone amp + preamp with ample tone controls

    Hero! Many thanks for your sacrifice. I can not make any comment of this, as I lack every competence to do so... By the way, I wanted to update my review with a problem that is annoying me with the SK01 The three buttons (gain, tone, loudness) activate or deactivate during their "travel...
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    Stereo mixer choice : active/passive, pot/switch, hum risk ?

    So, I guess I will manage the hum problems with cheap USB and 3.5mm isolators. This will only apply to the sources for which I do not care too much (so it will not apply to the main source, which is the E30 dac) I finally found a mixer that has the perfect functions for what I want to do...
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    Amplifier measurements may require improvement

    You can buy V3+48V (without 32V) on Aliexpress. Also look on Fosi website, and eBay. I can't say anything really interesting about A07 vs V3. I think I remember people who had the A07 wrote they were happier with the V3. But this if far too vague to make your decision. I would go with the...
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    Fosi Audio V3 op-amp rolling, has anyone tried it? Snake oil? Or are there actual differences?

    I have never tried. If I had, maybe I would also have heard a difference. That does not mean that the difference actually exists (expectation bias). And if it exists, that does not mean it would be an improvement in every way vaguely imaginable (soundstage, dynamics and so on). To always...
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    Fosi Audio V3 op-amp rolling, has anyone tried it? Snake oil? Or are there actual differences?

    I think what he means is: to be sure the swap creates a difference, you need to test in a different way. Your current methodology could lead you to believe there is a difference when, in fact there is none. Apart from this, why would the swap lead to better sound, and not worse (same with...
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    Fosi Audio V3 op-amp rolling, has anyone tried it? Snake oil? Or are there actual differences?

    I did not assume any effect, especially when they are described with the usual audio-poetry, such as "better dynamics, bass more defined, airy midrange" etc etc. Was just looking for a way for @nishamn27 to verify what he stated
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    Stereo mixer choice : active/passive, pot/switch, hum risk ?

    Thanks for your help. Sorry for the time I take to answer, as this is a complex problem to me! I have been thinking about a way to manage the necessary USB that can not be unplugged from the computer. Such devices are: - E30 (data usb only, power can be plugged in 5V charger) - Microphone thing...
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    Fosi Audio V3 op-amp rolling, has anyone tried it? Snake oil? Or are there actual differences?

    Agreed However, it would be hard to design such a test... How could one do it ? The goal would be to instantly (and blindly) switch (or not) between op amps. These require physical intervention inside of the V3... And having two V3 with a switcher would not be 100% decisive, as one could still...
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    Amplifier measurements may require improvement

    Or a continuous xHz (in the problematic area) test, as I suggested to S.A./S.T If his theory is right, SPL should start high and go lower.
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    Amplifier measurements may require improvement

    Yes, I now think that the problem is nothing that the measurments could not predict. In my understanding, we can explain it as follows: The SPL limit in sub-bass is due to clipping. Clipping makes lower SPL because the signal shape and amplitude does not allow for optimal and maximal speaker...
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    I have never done this. However, I wanted to let you know that if you paid via Paypal, you can ask for them to refund you the return costs. I have already done this multiple times, including international shipping (FR->USA), and it worked perfectly. Read the terms and conditions to be sure, but...
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    FOSI SK01 Review: Headphone amp + preamp with ample tone controls

    You're right, that would clearly be the best way to get a clear picture. But well, since it's brand new, I don't want to damage it or anything. I know it's a bit selfish to prefer to keep it in perfect condition rather than informing everyone. I still tried to provide all the information and...
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    FOSI SK01 Review: Headphone amp + preamp with ample tone controls

    From what I read, RCA splitter is OK as long as the source can handle the lowering of impedance caused by outputs in parallel. I currently have a splitter to feed my speaker amp and my headphone amp, and I could not spot any change. You could also do Wiim Pro - SK01 - K7 - V3. Switch the K7 in...
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    FOSI SK01 Review: Headphone amp + preamp with ample tone controls

    I doubt the SK01 can even get close to the K7 output, judging only by the power supply. You would however benefit from the SK01 from a features point of view (tone control and loudness mode are great) You could also do DAC (Wiim Pro) -> SK01 (for tone control) -> RCA Y splitter, one goes into...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    The person specifies that it happends at low volume. So yes, my clipping think doesn't work here. It could be a loudness thing, but he would feel the same with his A07, which is not the case... Amir's graphs do not show irregular frequency response in bass region. But I do not know what power...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    I think you are talking about this thread I opened yesterday The problem seems now to be well enough explained. It has to do with: - Low impedance of the speaker the test was conducted with in the problematic area - Harder difficulty Fosi has to drive bass than treble - Need for more W per dB...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

    In my understanding, a pot is just an adjustable resistor. You shouldn't be able to change the sound "profile" only with this. You earlier said it was a bass problem. Now it is treble. I do not understand what is the issue.
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