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  1. B

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    I am happy with the Fosis. They get quite warm, but that's probably okay. I use them on the pre out of an old Pioneer receiver. :)
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I had asked Fosi for a splitter cable to operate 2 V3 mono with a 10 A power supply. They sent me the cable but it's not the right one. Does anyone have a photo of the splitter cable from Fosi? THX !
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    The sound of my Fosis is neutral. No difference to other amps i use.
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    At room temperature 24 degrees (C): After 3 hours (background music, German = Zimmerlautstärke;)) 45 degrees on the surface with the door of the lowboard closed. The lowboard has active ventilation. After a further 2 hours 42 degrees with the lowboard door open. This looks different in the...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Yes, you can do it like that ... But Fosi talks about (I think) 33 degrees in the video. Mine are getting hotter, but I haven't been able to measure it yet because the thermometer hasn't been delivered yet. What happens when they reach 60 degrees (Celsius ;))? Just don't touch them and don't...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Does anyone know how hot the surface can get? How hot do yours get?
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    My V3s have also arrived ;) But they get very hot and I wonder when hot is too hot.... I have now ordered an infrared thermometer. Edit: Do they perhaps get so hot because I use 10A power supply units? Is it better to use a splitter cable and only one power supply?
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Normal delivery time to Germany or am I not seeing something?
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    And that?
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    @Fosi Audio, when will you deliver the power filters, they are already available.... THX! "Hi Thank you for your continued support of our project. Due to some...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Thanks for the feedback, even if it comes very late... But what about the orders containing 2 V3 mono and 2 10A power supplies? Do they also need power flters now or why haven't I (Baker No.4!) received anything yet?
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    My expectation would have been that No 4 would get its devices sooner than No 1800... That was probably a mistake, for which I apologise.
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Was it in the fine print that a renowned company like Fosi Audio would not give out any (useful) information after the end of the campaign? You might expect this from a bad start-up, but not from Fosi...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    But I think we can all agree that some communication from Fosi here at Audioscience would be helpful. I'm not asking for anything more than a short statement ....
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I received the same email. What does Fosi mean by "Power Filters"? Does this mean that the power supplies can only be shipped after 15 July?
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Has anyone already received 48V 10A versions or only 5A? I believe that Fosi has delivery problems with the 10A versions ...
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    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    At least I received a standard text from Fosi via Kickstarter today ;) Better than nothing ... "Hi, Our team is working diligently to ensure that your order is completed and dispatched by the end of this month at the latest. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality product...
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