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  1. H

    Topping E30 DAC Review

    I ha I have the same question. Will using the Topping power supply change the results?
  2. H

    Inside High res music: Jazz at the Pawnshop NAXOS (DSD)

    Amir, thanks for bringing me up-to-date with Mark's research. Indeed you are correct, he no longer feels that high res, apart from production work, works for most people. We chatted, and he sent me the link to try the files he used in the tests. I'm going to take a spin with them as well. I've...
  3. H

    Inside High res music: Jazz at the Pawnshop NAXOS (DSD)

    Hi Amir, Thanks for your response. I wasn't aware that Mark changed his tune (sorry, couldn't resist) on high-res vs. lower-res. As far as I know, he was still very much a fan of high-res, as long, as it was true high-res, that is a high-res recording, from capture to distribution. I'll dig...
  4. H

    Inside High res music: Jazz at the Pawnshop NAXOS (DSD)

    For those on the forum interested in DSD vs PCM vs Analog recordings, I recommend checking out the work of Dr. Mark Waldrip, who is a respected voice in the community. I should add that respected isn't always the same as loved. And he has a fair share of detractors. I met him when I first...
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