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  1. N

    NC252MP (class D) vs. A250W4R (classAB) burst measurements into 4ohm//2.2uF load

    The switching frequency is 750-800kHz. And the CDT tweeters are piezo film tweeters, so essentially capacitors. No inductance. That’s why I was wondering if an add’l filter (inductors) on the output, after the feedback of the internal output filter, might stop the interaction of the Piezo...
  2. N

    NC252MP (class D) vs. A250W4R (classAB) burst measurements into 4ohm//2.2uF load

    I tried some Piezo film tweeters from Gallo. The amp (class D)I am using has been well reviewed here. It managed to heat up the film and read 4V to 6+V at idle, with a frequency (on my Fluke meter) of 350 kHz, and I shut things down when the film was getting warm. Again, with NO signal. I will...
  3. N

    NC252MP (class D) vs. A250W4R (classAB) burst measurements into 4ohm//2.2uF load

    Even if the filter is set high? Similar to what’s already used in the amp? Say 12 dB/ octave at 50kHz?
  4. N

    NC252MP (class D) vs. A250W4R (classAB) burst measurements into 4ohm//2.2uF load

    I don’t know much, but I am curious. If you were to add a second filter after the feedback loop, could you lesson or stop the oscillations from the add’l capacitance of the revised load (4 ohm//2.2 uF)?
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