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  1. B

    SMSL SU-1 vs Topping E30 II Lite

    Having used both Dac's, to my ear there was a subtle difference between the 2. The SU-1 sounded more open and airy but with a little less bass than the E30ii lite. Ultimately, I sold the E30ii lite as I preferred the su-1. However, the remote and display on the e300 lite could be good if required.
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    Topping DX3PRO+ vs E30 as a pre-amp

    Was wondering if anyone had any knowledge or thoughts on which of these would have a better pre-amp to drive active speakers. My thinking is that as the DX3PRO+ is also a headphone amp that the pre-amp part might be slightly better than using the volume control on the E30 dac. any thoughts out...
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    Topping DX5 Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    Anyone else experienced this issue with DX5 Lite. In settings, I set LO (line out) to Dac as I'm using it with an integrated amp. Where the issue comes in is if I change to Headphone out, it will not allow volume adjustment of my headphones. This seems to be a design flaw as this setting works...
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    Topping E70 Stereo DAC Review

    As far as I can tell the E70 velvet doesn't use a current to voltage stage like the ESS chip version. It uses the AK4191 chip with the 4499EX
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    Topping E70 Stereo DAC Review

    If you look back through this thread there have been a few comments about popping sound when using xlr outputs. Are you able to try with rca and see if it happens from that output. May be an issue with the xlr's.
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    Topping E70 Stereo DAC Review

    The DO 100 is a relatively new DAC, how did it die?
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    Topping E50 & D30pro current pricing?

    Was looking at a few sites tonight and noticed that prices of these 2 dacs and their matching head amps have remained at the 11.11 sale price. E50 - $199 D30pro- $299 Does anyone know if Topping are discontinuing these models with the release of the E70? The E50 seems a bargain for a really...
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    Topping E70 Stereo DAC Review

    Really? I've found that dacs that measure almost identically can actually sound quite different. Take the Toppin E50 and the Topping DX3 Pro+. They sound quite different yet measure almost exactly the same.
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    Moondrop Chu

    What DT770 do you have, if chu has more bass I'd say your dt770 is not being driven with enough power
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    TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero IEM Review

    Do people really think that different IEMs and headphones that have the same frequency response measurements sound exactly the same? That's like saying 2 cars that have the same engine specs drive the same...
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    TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero IEM Review

    Tried these but found the nozzle too long and therefore uncomfortable for me. Sound was good but not the most natural sounding and technically not as good as some other iems.
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    Topping DX7 Pro+ Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    I'm trying to understand why anyone on this site would want to buy this all in one for $700. Apparently measurements are everything so why would you buy this over the DX3pro+. They measure within a few percent of each other with the differences out of the audible range, so should therefore be...
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    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    The Topping dx3 pro+ and I'm pretty sure the dx5 have this feature. A button on the remote can switch between Headphone only, dac only or dac and Headphone out simultaneously controlled by the volume button.
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    I'm pretty sure the failure rates on certain models has been huge. Thinking PA5, D30pro and A30pro here.
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    Have sent 2 emails in the last 5 days and am yet to hear back. This issue started immediately in the product life of a few of their dacs. It was to do with changing from an AKM receiver to a cirrus logic receiver. They no longer mention which receiver they are using. Considering how long...
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    Have tried 3 different coaxial cables, reversed the cables and all have drop outs. Pain because I have a really decent coaxial cable that I can't use now.
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    Have been using optical tonight and so far so good, no drop outs. Coaxial is still a disaster.
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    The audio trim feature in the node is off, Thanks.
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    Will try later today after I pick up an optical cable.
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    Topping E50 Coaxial Drop Out issues

    Last time I contacted Topping about this issue on my D30pro, the response was they are UNABLE to fix the issue, so I don't think I'll bother with that again. The assured me the issue was resolved on the E50 but I guess not.
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