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  1. T

    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    It's very tempting to buy a second C-200 just to have at my desk. Not run it through the PC but just so I can listen to music at the desk. But SMSL is a very new brand to me and I need to see the long term reliability of this device first. Or I can just buy a 25ft headphone extension and operate...
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    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    Does any of you get the 3 horizontal lines on the screen when you power on your unit? Not sure why it does this but this prevents it from auto connecting to your device through bluetooth and then I have the constantly power on and off the C200 until I don't get the lines, then it will auto...
  3. T

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    Does any of you get the 3 horizontal lines on the screen when you power on your unit? Not sure why it does this but this prevents it from auto connecting to your device through bluetooth and then I have the constantly power on and off the C200 until I don't get the lines, then it will auto...
  4. T

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    Thanks for the suggestions. Those extra items would be nice but I have a backup phone that I use as a multi-purpose device for a lot of things, so using this for music playback in bed is not a big deal. But if I was rich they're not for sure by that r7. Haha That's a pricey device for what I...
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    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    Yeah from all my time researching, I seem to be coming to this conclusion as well unfortunately. I think FiiO is the most reliable out of them all. They are quality and I've had their DACs before (many many years ago) Well I have my volume limiter disabled in the developer options. I will...
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    Topping L70 Headphone Amp Review

    Oh no, then the cost will be even higher. Good to know this.
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    Topping L70 Headphone Amp Review

    Thanks for your insight! I'm really tempted to try out the L70. It sounds like the L70 has good quality control long term. I'd rather pay more for a unit that lasts years without issues than spending less up front and having it crap out much sooner (which is really more in the long run because...
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    Topping L70 Headphone Amp Review

    I'm considering this DAC. Seems to be a very solid reliable performer with very little technical hardware issues. Have some questions. 1) How much more power does this have than the DX3 Pro+? 2) Is the sound coming from this better than the DX3 Pro+? 3) For heat does it run hot? I didn't like...
  9. T

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    I have a couple Apple USB-C dongle DACS that i use for my computers and they're great for that, but I find it could use more volume when it comes to headphone listening. Often I will be maxed out on some songs at 100% and still wish it had more juice. So the volume is the main reason, otherwise...
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    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    Oh I never even knew the C-200 has a USB-C input jack. I don't have a USB-C OTG cable, will have to order one. But I do recall when first getting the C-200 that the audio would randomly stop as well when playing music off my main phone. Not sure if it happened as often though since I only used...
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    Topping DX3 Pro+ Review (DAC & Headphone Amp)

    Have you compared your DX3 Pro+'s top the C-200? Some say the C-200 has better sound quality. It sounds like the Topping has the same issue witth the C-200 where the sound randomly stops and the bluetooth doesn't auto connect when turning on the unit. I found the UI to be superior on the...
  12. T

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    I use the C-200 to stream music on my backup phone. I don't stream from apps like Spotify. Im tempted to get a USB-C to optical adaptor and just use it wired to the C-200. If it eliminates the audio from stopping then I will live with the cord. I only listen to it in bed anyways so not a big...
  13. T

    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    Unfortunately I'm not using this on my PC. I use the Apple dongle DAC on my desktop and laptop and can't beat those for $9 a piece. To be honest, seeing how unstable this C-200 is when used wirelessly through bluetooth, I'd be terrified using it on the PC.
  14. T

    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    Yes the drop outs are when using bluetooth. What setting are you referring to? These are my current bluetooth settings on my phone. Bluetooth AVRCP version: 1.5 (default) but I notice 1.6 available. Audio codec: LDAC Audio sample rate: 44.1khz Bluetooth audio bits per sample: 16 Bluetooth...
  15. T

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    I've had my C-200 for 9 days now and at first I was in love with it. But now that the honeymoon is over, I'm contemplating sending the C-200 back. The audio just randomly stopping is getting very annoying. I'd say about 50% of the time I walk up to the C-200 it just stops playing music. And then...
  16. T

    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    I'm contemplating sending the C-200 back. The audio just randomly stopping is getting very annoying. I'd say about 50% of the time I walk up to the C-200 it just stops playing music. And then I have to power off the unit and "sometimes" it will auto connect with my phone. The other times, I have...
  17. T

    AOSHIDA SMSL C200 Review (DAC & Amp)

    How many of you leave your C-200 on all the time? Or do you power it off every time? I usually put all my electronics in sleep mode or I leave it on 24/7 and never shut it off. Any disadvantages to leaving the C-200 on all the time? The wear and tear on the capacitors of shutting it off and on...
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    Topping DX5 Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    I don’t believe he compared the two DACs. I will have to try to find that post.
  19. T

    Topping DX5 Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    That's what I thought but then I read a user on here who said that he had the C-200 and he upgraded to a much more expensive DAC and the sound quality was night and day between the two.
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